Tom Cruise’s “Jack Reacher” Answers Your Questions Christopher Moore, April 26, 2013 To help promote the upcoming home video release of Tom Cruise’s recent action film, Jack Reacher, they’ve created a page on their site, where you can ask advice of the movie’s main character. Find out how you can get answers to your advice-type questions from an imaginary action hero after the break.As an interesting Jack Reacher promotion, Paramount created a way for you to ask the important question: “What would Jack Reacher do?” You can ask the character any question you like and he’ll respond with one of his handy-dandy personal rules. For instance, I asked him the question, “How do you get corn out of your teeth?” and he answered:Of course, I also asked him, “Will the new Star Wars film be any good?” and he answered in a way that almost seems like a slam on the prequels.If you want to get your own weird answers to those serious or not so serious burning questions, then check out the WWJRD site and ask away. You can even share your results on Facebook and Twitter via the site.Jack Reacher is now available digitally on iTunes and you can own it on Blu-ray on May 7th. Viral Marketing Jack ReacherParamountTom Cruise
Blu-Ray Release Reignites “Prometheus” Viral October 11, 2012October 10, 201220th Century Fox’s Prometheus had its home release on Tuesday, and with it, the film’s official Twitter account tweeted an image that it described as “Weyland Classified: Infographic about the black Goo.” Check it out after the break, as well as an important viral piece that you might have forgotten… Read More
LOST: The Opening 4 Minutes of Season 6 January 29, 2010January 31, 2010ABC’s LOST is premiering its 6th and final season on February 2nd, 2010 at 8/7c and after the amazing cliff hanger of season 5, LOST fans have taken to the Internet to speculate what is happening, discuss previous seasons and episodes, and to argue over what will happen in season… Read More
Project Prometheus Gives Us A Look At David 8’s “Emotions” April 17, 2012April 17, 2012Earlier today, a new Prometheus viral video featuring Michael Fassbender as the Weyland Industries android, David 8, premiered online. The ad was a sort of mock-interview in which an off-screen voice asked David a series of questions, one of which being “David, what makes you sad?” The robot then displayed… Read More