Patton Oswalt’s Famous Star Wars Rant Gets Animated Dan Koelsch, May 20, 2013 Last month, a video went viral showing a scene from NBC’s Parks and Recreation where Patton Oswalt’s character filibusters for 8 minutes about the next Star Wars film to prevent a vote from happening. The rant brought together the worlds of Star Wars, Marvel, Greek Gods, and more. Unfortunately, that scene had to be cut from the episode for length, but the Internet took hold and really got creative. Case in point, Isaac Moores animated the rant to show just how awesome the concept is. Check out the video after the break. Fan Made Work Viral News Viral Videos Parks and RecreationPatton OswaltStar Wars
Three New “Hunger Games” Viral Motion Posters February 11, 2012February 11, 2012We are a little under two months away from the release of the highly anticipated adaptation of The Hunger Games. We’ve been extensively covering the viral for this from top to bottom, making sure nothing was missed, and now we’ve got some very new updates to The Hunger Games Viral…. Read More
Viral Video Round Up: Man Of Steel, The Cosby Show, Wolverine, And More! July 21, 2013The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More
Find Makarov: Countdown Hints At “Modern Warfare 3” February 25, 2011February 27, 2011UPDATE 2: The site appears to be for a Modern Warfare inspired film. Again, more information at [UPDATE]: Activision is now saying that the site is a hoax. More information at A website containing a countdown for the next game in the Call of Duty series launched earlier… Read More