Help Fund A Documentary On The Cultural Impact of “Back to the Future” Christopher Moore, July 2, 2013 It’s hard to believe that in just a couple of years it will be the 30th Anniversary of the movie “Back to the Future.” One of the most iconic parts of the film is Doc Brown’s time machine in the form of an altered Delorean DMC-12 sports car. A group of filmmakers have embarked on a film project called Back in Time to document the cultural impact of this famous movie vehicle on fans and car collectors alike. Find out more about this project and how you can financially help make it a reality after the break.Directed by Jason Aron, the documentary will have interviews with many people in the “Back to the Future” fan community as well as some of the film’s original cast and crew. The filmmakers will also talk to fanatic collectors of the movie’s time-traveling car and how their passion for the film drove them to purchase this iconic vehicle. They hope to interview people all over the world for this film.Of course, in order to make the best movie possible, a Kickstarter campaign was created to raise the needed funds. The campaign’s monetary goal is $33, 120. As of writing this, they are already a third of the way there with 39 days left. If you want to get a taste of what the movie will be about as well as an introduction to the campaign, you can check out their Kickstarter video below:There are lots of the normal perks you can receive based on how much you’d like to give towards the project (such as digital downloads to Blu-rays to a name in the credits and more). If you’re thinking about pledging money towards the film, you can check out their Kickstarter page for more details. The Back in Time crowd-sourcing campaign ends on Sunday, August 11th.If all this talk about time travel and Deloreans is making you feel a little nostalgic, here’s the original trailer for “Back to the Future”: Fan Made Work News Back to the futureDocumentary
“Cars 2” Roundtables: Fond First Car Memories with Larry the Cable Guy and Emily Mortimer June 22, 2011June 25, 2011Pixar has a passion for animation, and they have a keen eye (or ears) for actors and actresses. They just don’t cast them because of their name; they cast them because they have the ability to bring heart into their stories. Larry the Cable Guy and Emily Mortimer are just… Read More
BAFTA Awards: The Results February 22, 2010It’s almost upon us. The awards show that the world looks forward to the most, The Oscars, will take place in just under 2 weeks time. Along with the Screen Actors Guild’s Awards, The BAFTA Awards have log been seen as a precursor to the way in which The Oscars… Read More
“Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation” Looks To Kickstarter To Finish Final Scene February 13, 2014February 13, 2014In cinema, there is dedicated fan filmmaking, and there is what Chris Strompolos and Eric Zala have done. As 10 and 11 year olds in 1982, they decided to make a shot-for-shot remake of Raiders of the Lost Ark. It took the pair 7 years to finish most of the… Read More