Comic-Con 2013 Thursday Photo Gallery Dan Koelsch, July 18, 2013 Today was the first official day of San Diego Comic-Con, and it was busy as ever. Click here to see all our live coverage and after the break, check out our photo gallery that includes an extensive selection from the MTV2 Party in the Park. [portfolio_slideshow id=43863] Comic-Con Conventions Events Comic-Con
Comic-Con 2011: “Fright Night” Press Conference July 26, 2011August 7, 2011Our last press event for Comic-Con was the Fright Night press conference, which included stars Colin Farrell (before he had to leave for the Total Recall panel), Anton Yelchin, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Imogen Poots, Chris Sarandon, writer Marti Noxon, and director Craig Gillespie. Listen to the press conference after the break. Read More
Battle: Los Angeles – Classic Sony Viral At Comic-Con July 21, 2010January 19, 2011Once you create a website, that is obviously far from the title of the film, you enter this wonderful world of viral marketing. And then, there is Sony. They seem to go their own route. The route of luring you into this amazing feeling of finding something above and beyond… Read More
‘The Bourne Legacy’ Viral Has You In Their Sights July 16, 2012July 18, 2012The Bourne Legacy is Universal Pictures’ so-called sequel/reboot to the Bourne franchise. It continues the Bourne legacy (sequel part) and uses new chracters (reboot part). Now you may have heard of a little convention they hold in San Diego called the San Diego Comic-Con. Well Universal had a little viral… Read More