Bad Robot Releases Teaser Video For Unknown Project Called “Stranger” Dan Koelsch, August 19, 2013 J.J. Abrams sure loves his mysteries. Today, his production company Bad Robot posted a video to YouTube called Stranger. It looks to be a teaser for a television show or movie, but there is nothing on their official slate that matches up. Even sites like EW and /Film are puzzled. Check out the eerie video after the break and let us know what you think. Viral Marketing Bad RobotJ.J. AbramsStranger
Mark of the Spider-Man Viral Updates February 14, 2012March 21, 2012If you’ve been following along, a twitter account for the new The Amazing Spider-Man viral campaign, Mark of the Spider-Man, was created and sent out coordinates for several U.S. cities late last week. Following the coordinates, players found Peter Parker’s backpack full of different items, including running shoes and the… Read More
Tangled Viral Campaign and Film Review: Is This The Beginning or End of Disney Classics? November 28, 2010October 18, 2011Walt Disney said that “We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” Disney has continued his idea with Tangled. Still, does that mean it is the end of Disney classic fairytales? Was the campaign an insult… Read More
Marvel Finally Decides To Promote “Captain America” With New Poster and Trailer June 24, 2011June 24, 2011Marvel Studio’s last movie before the superhero team-up movie The Avengers is next month’s Captain America: The First Avenger. However, despite the film being just weeks away from opening, the studio, along with distributor Paramount, have really dropped the ball on marketing it. We haven’t seen much promotional material, and… Read More