Van Damme’s “The Expendables 2” Villain Has A Tumblr Dan Koelsch, July 3, 2012 Badass Digest got the exclusive on a viral Tumblr site for The Expendables 2 called TRACK EM FIND EM KILL EM. It’s a dossier by the film’s appropriately-named bad guy Jean Vilain, played by Jean-Claude Van Damme. Get the details after the jump. The website dubs itself “The Expendables Field Guide”, and has a really sleek look. The concept is that Vilain is gaining intelligence on the Expendables group and wants to bring them down. His mission is as stated:The Old Ways are dying and Respect must be taught. The Tuition will be blood in the dirt.There is no direct translation of the word “Expendable” in the German language.The word that comes closest is “überflüssig”. It means Useless.And what do you do with something useless?You dispose of it.Kill First.– Jean VilainThere are several sections in the navigation bar, but it looks like the site has just started up, so there’s not a lot of content yet. Most notably, there is a funny How-To for grenades, as well as profiles on the characters played by Sly Stallone and Chuck Norris. Be sure to follow the site if you have a Tumblr, as they are sure to add more content soon, since Lionsgate released the film in theaters on August 17th. Social Networks Viral Marketing The Expendables 2Tumblr
Tron Legacy: Encom Releases Space Paranoids Teaser April 14, 2010April 14, 2010The Tron Legacy viral may be picking back up after a week or so of calmness. At the beginning of the month, Encom International had a press conference to announce that their famous game Space Paranoids would be coming online soon. Now the tech company has released an official teaser… Read More
Liam Neeson “Kill Map” Charts Actor’s Kills Across His Movies September 17, 2014September 17, 2014Liam Neeson truly has a particular set of skills. He’s been a Jedi, a hitman, a lion, a mythological Greek god, Batman’s teacher, a knight, Jean Valjean, and so much more. But for a man who has many talents, it’s hard to believe that no one has tracked all of… Read More
Super Bowl Ads To Have a Right-Wing Skew February 2, 2010February 2, 2010Super Bowl XLIV isn’t until Sunday, but there’s already been a lot of talk about the Super Bowl commercials. Companies spend millions of dollars just to get their ads on the highest-rated telecast every year, and the commercials usually end up being more memorable than the game itself. In fact,… Read More