“Oldboy” Viral Campaign Wants You To Eat The Clues Michael Lee, October 12, 2013 Cookie monster coined the famous phrase, “om nom nom nom,” and now the people behind the Oldboy viral campaign want you to do just that. Except it won’t be on cookies. In the film Josh Brolin‘s character is imprisoned for 20 years for unknown reasons. As a “pet” he is fed three Chinese meals a day mostly consisting of wontons (or dumplings) and noodles. After being set free for unknown reasons, he scours local Chinese establishments in the area with the word Dragon and eats the same meals he ate while being imprisoned hoping to find the clues that will lead him to his captors.So this new aspect of the viral campaign puts you in Josh’s shoes, minus the 20 year imprisonment and Samuel L. Jackson‘s funky mohawk. By posting your pictures of the Dim Sum you ate online and using the hashtag #eattheclues, you could win yourself a prop from used in Spike Lee‘s Oldboy. And it’s not just any ordinary prop, but the original hammer that was used in the film. Sounds cool right? Hit the jump to see the video for more information.Joe Doucett, an advertising executive is kidnapped and held prisoner for twenty years in solitary confinement. After he is suddenly released, he goes on a mission to find the person responsible for his imprisonment, later discovering that his life is still caught in conspiracy and torment.Josh Brolin along with Elizabeth Olsen, Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Imperoli, and Sharlto Copley star in the Spike Lee-directed Oldboy. The film is based on the Japanese manga and South Korean film of the same name. Oldboy hits theaters on November 27 of this year. Viral Marketing Viral News #eatthecluesElizabeth OlsenFilmDistrictJosh BrolinOldboysamuel l. jacksonspike lee
Alice: Photos and Video of the Takeover December 4, 2009This morning was the ‘White Rabbit Takeover’, where (among other things) people dressed like rabbits in suits and walked around New York City. Why, you ask? It was a promotional event for SyFy’s new original mini-series “Alice”, based of course on the famous “Alice in Wonderland”. Yesterday we posted pictures… Read More
YouTube Tuesday: Genrocks May 8, 2012May 8, 2012We at MovieViral know our viral videos pretty well, so we decided to share our knowledge to those looking to expand their Internet horizons. YouTube Tuesday is a weekly feature where we shine the spotlight on our favorite YouTube channels related to movies and television. We focus on channels that… Read More
Get A Rock-Hard Bod By Joining Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s ‘Team Hercules’ Campaign June 13, 2014June 13, 2014Dwyane Johnson stars as the Greek mythological hero Hercules in Paramount’s upcoming film, Hercules. In order to get into shape, Johnson had to endure a grueling 20-week regimen which included a “crazy diet”. Many film fans may wonder what goes into getting ripped for a character like Hercules, well The… Read More