Watch Zack Snyder’s Animated Short for Superman’s 75th Anniversary Dan Koelsch, October 15, 2013 This year DC Comics has been celebrating the 75th anniversary of the greatest and first superhero, Superman. Man of Steel director Zack Snyder and Bruce Timm, who played a pivotal role in establishing DC’s impressive animated franchise, have been working on an animated short to honor the Last Son of Krypton. It’s now finished and available online, so check it out after the break.From the creative minds of Zack Snyder (Man of Steel) and Bruce Timm (Superman: The Animated Series) and produced by Warner Bros. Animation, this short follows Superman through the years, from his first appearance on the cover of Action Comics #1 to Henry Cavill in this year’s Man of Steel…all in two minutes!After watching the short, be sure to check out DC Comics’ official list of annotations: Viral Marketing Viral Videos Man of SteelSuperman
Who Is Patient Zero? July 7, 2010August 31, 2010Patient Zero: The name given to the first carrier of an illness that has spread to others, or in this case a new horror movie hitting our screen soon. Not much is known about this forthcoming film, however a viral website has been created to accompany the release. Check out… Read More
Cars Gone Viral February 13, 2010February 13, 2010What happens when you can’t show something in a commercial, even though you know your customers do exactly this, because it’s illegal? Don’t make a commercial…..make a film! That’s exactly what BMW did with it’s great series of shorts for its line of cars in order to show just how… Read More
New “Total Recall” Viral Website Says No to Rekall June 13, 2012July 8, 2012A few months ago, a viral website for Columbia Pictures’ Total Recall remake. The site was that of the company featured in the film, Rekall. The site has now become fully active, but there’s another website that wants you think twice about going to Rekall. Get the details after the… Read More