J. Jonah Jameson Makes Appearance in “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” Viral Dan Koelsch, November 2, 2013 J. Jonah Jameson is well known by Spider-Man fans as the publisher of The Daily Bugle, the newspaper that the hero’s alter ego Peter Parker works at as a freelance photographer. Jameson didn’t show up in last year’s The Amazing Spider-Man, but we might finally see him in next year’s sequel The Amazing Spider-Man 2. A new post on The Daily Bugle Tumblr, an editorial from Jameson titled “Spider-Man: Threat or Menace”, shows that the character hasn’t changed. Read the editorial after the break.An Editorial from Daily Bugle publisher J. Jonah JamesonLast night, I walked out of the 6-train at 96th Street, only to be greeted by a freshly painted graffiti tag of a large red spider painted on a wooden construction fence.Generally, I ignore the “modern art” of the masses. I must be far too uncivilized to appreciate the subtle nuances of the work. But in this case, the meaning was not open to interpretation.Do the young people of this city really want to turn the mysterious creature known as Spider-Man into some kind of modern-day Robin Hood? It has been three months since the terrorist attack at Oscorp Tower in Midtown Manhattan. Three months since a man who had changed into a seven-foot tall lizard battled against another man in a red and blue unitard who could crawl up walls. Three months since the city was introduced to a new status quo, one that will adversely affect the entire planet. It has been three months, and we know nothing more about the man called Spider-Man than we did on that terrible night.This masked, web-slinging vigilante has refused to identify himself. He has given no public statements. He has refused to be interviewed by the police. He has repeatedly refused requests from the media, including from this paper, to provide some assurance to the people of this city that he means us no harm.Who appointed him as the new sheriff in town? I didn’t. Did you?What gives him the moral, much less legal, authority to decide who deserves punishment and how that punishment should be doled out? Heroes do not need to promote their actions, but they also do not hide from the people they help. Until Spider-Man tells us more about himself, he is no hero. I dare him to prove me wrong.Hopefully this means we’ll see a viral marketing smear campaign and manhunt that introduces us to J. Jonah Jameson. Either way, we’ll keep an eye on it. The film opens May 2nd, 2014. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing The Amazing Spider-Man 2The Daily Bugle
LOST: Fan Made Finale Trailer, Cool Shirts and Posters, Lost Live, and More LOL Captions May 15, 2010May 15, 2010Everyone is excited for the series finale of ABC’s LOST, which is now just over a week away (the finale is airing on Sunday May 23rd to accommodate its extension to 2 1/2 hours). With that, we a great fan-made series finale trailer recommended by LOST showrunner Damon Lindelof himself,… Read More
New Moon Trailer May 31, 2009May 1, 2010I know what you’re thinking. Dan, why do you care about New Moon? Well, for one, the Twilight saga books were pretty good. The film fell below it’s potential, but with a bigger budget and new director, I’m hopeful. I also liked the actors who played the characters. So, there’s… Read More
Parks And Recreation: Rob Lowe Goes Nuts January 21, 2011NBC’s fledgling comedy Parks and Recreation has been off the air since May, and newcomer Rob Lowe isn’t happy about it. Watch him through a fit about his beautiful face not being on TV in this viral video that also stars the rest the of the cast. Click through to… Read More