“Amazing Spider-Man 2” Viral Site Makes Dr. Octopus Connection To Latest Trailer Michael Lee, December 7, 2013December 7, 2013 The first trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 has just been released, and already the viral site is making connections to it. While we don’t know the extent of BJ Novak‘s role in the sequel, rumors are swirling that it could be anyone from Donald Menken, Norman Osborn’s assistant, to Dr. Otto Octavious, better known as Dr. Octopus.In the latest article to be published on the Tumblr site, the Daily Bugle goes behind the scenes over at OsCorp to get the latest info on the company’s latest advancements in technology. Here are selected portions of the article.Behind the ridiculously fortified superdoors of OsCorp Industries headquarters the future waits patiently for the rest of us to arrive. Only a privileged few reside there — guardians of the secrets that only time (and intrepid journalists!) will reveal.Under pressure to quiet growing Wall Street rumors of plans gone awry, OsCorp spokesman Donald Menken gave me a glimpse into that future.I was only given limited access to this room, and legally I can’t discuss what I saw in detail. I can barely describe what I saw now. Had I stepped just one foot deeper, it would have been too overwhelming for me to handle.Prototypes from the United States Military? CHECK. Alternative energy experiments? CHECK. Stuff I don’t understand enough to even describe it correctly? SUPERCHECK.It’s like what my childhood closet would have looked like if all toys were free and unlimited — but OsCorp’s toys can save the world…or obliterate it.So, if the future is already in the warehouse, how do they keep advancing? When money is no object, it means the best facilities filled with the brightest minds in science.The scientific rumor mill (there is such a thing — I checked) has floated every leading name as a possible contributor. But none is more intriguing than world-renowned nuclear researcher Otto Octavius.When asked about that rumor, Mr. Menken replied, “I can’t confirm or deny any rumors you read on the web. We talk to a number of different scientists every day about our special projects.”Now remember in Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man films, OsCorp pitching tech-flight gliders to the military. There could be a similar scenario that follows, but that remains to be seen. Also Octavius’ name being mention in the article, and his four extra arms appearing in the film indicate that he will most likely appear in the sequel, possible being a member of the Sinister Six.Here is a better look at those arms:So what do you think? Be sure to check out our coverage on the viral campaign for The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Directed by Marc Webb, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 stars Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Jamie Foxx, Paul Giamatti, Dane DeHaan, Chris Cooper, and more. Sony Pictures will release the film on May 2, 2014. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral News Andrew GarfieldChris CooperDane DeHaanEmma Stonejamie foxxMarc WebbPaul GiamattiSony PicturesThe Amazing Spider-Man 2
Tweet to See an Early Screening of “The Hunger Games” In Your Hometown February 29, 2012February 29, 2012Just 24 days remain until the release of Gary Ross’ adaptation of The Hunger Games, and to celebrate Lionsgate is allowing you, the fan, to see an early release of the movie via twitter. Only the top four will receive the prize based on how many people tweet a hashtag… Read More
Fake S’lebSuit Commercial Used To Promote HBO’s Paparazzi Documentary October 1, 2010Adrian Grenier (Entourage) directed and co-stars in the documentary called Teenage Paparazzo, which chronicles the life of 14-year-old Austin Visschedyk a full-fledged member of the paparazzi. The film debuted on HBO this Wednesday, and last week a fake long-form commercial debuted online to promote it. The ad is for a… Read More
Project Prometheus Website Updated With Hope of Three More High-Res Images March 27, 2012March 27, 2012The Project Prometheus website, which is part of the viral campaign for Ridley Scott’s Alien prequel Prometheus, has been updated to include all the high resolution images we’ve discovered so far and the promise of three more on the horizon. Get the details after the break. Read More