Trailers Weekly: Top 10 Movie Trailers Of 2013 Michael Lee, December 28, 2013December 28, 2013 Trailers Weekly is a feature in which we bring you the most popular and talked about trailers of the week. Sharing trailers is a classic viral practice, and trailers are still the most mainstream way for people to learn about movies. That’s what I have said for the better part of the last two years writing this column.Since this is the final week of the year, what better way to post a new edition of Trailers Weekly than to post a top 10 list of the year. As you might have guessed, these are the top ten trailers of 2013. Some of these films may have one trailer, while others have more, but what these trailers have demonstrated is that, you have to be entertaining to get people excited. Because if you don’t, why even care. So hit the jump to find out what the top then trailers of 2013 are.10 – Spring Breakers Any trailer that can bleed neon pink, spread violence, and still end it all with Britney Spear‘s “It Me Baby One More Time,” certainly deserves to be on any top ten trailer list (well on mine anyway). The first trailer for Harmony Korine‘s Spring Breakers has just the right amount of exposition without going off the deep end and telling your the entire story of the film in under three minutes. Perhaps one of the most strangest things to come out of this trailer was James Franco‘s performance as Alien, a white rapper living the Spring Breaker life. Backed by Skrillex‘s music, this trailer grabbed by attention almost immediately, and got me interested in the film. Isn’t that a trailers job anyway? 9 – Godzilla Taking a cue from the teaser for a teaser, teaser footage from the Godzilla actually debuted in the MUTO viral site. This made the film that much more interesting considering they were hoping to get a full glimpse of the King of Monsters. They didn’t even tease it at the San Diego Comic-Con earlier this year. But that’s what makes the trailer so great. It’s that it is shrouded in a veil of mystery, offering just enough footage to make fans want more. Thus making this Godzilla trailer a true representation of what a teaser should look like. 8 – The Conjuring This was the most freighting movie of 2013. Plain and simple. A seemingly happy family moving into a new home. Kids are fighting over rooms. Family game time. James Wan knows how to craft a horror movie, and the first trailer for The Conjuring is an indication of it. If you felt a jolt of fear or jumped out of your seat during the day time while watching this trailer, just imagine what it could do to you at the dead of night with all the lights in the room turned off. I’ll never be able to hear The Zombie‘s “Time Of The Season” the same way ever again. And I think I will take a pass if I am offered a chance play that clapping game. Just watching Lili Taylor play it was scary enough as it is. 7 – Pain & Gain Michael Bay‘s passion project cost less than a Transformers film? Is that even possible? Well when you make a movie about two muscle bound knuckle heads (Mark Wahlberg and Anthony Mackie) who team up with an ex-con (Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson) to kidnap one of Miami’s most wealthiest men (and watch all go south; it proves to be one of the most interesting trailers of the year. While the story may be fascinating, especially since it’s coming from Bay, the director doesn’t forget to add his signature racist humor or slow-motion action sequences. 6 – The Amazing Spider-Man 2 With a very strong showing at the San Diego Comic-Con earlier this year, the trailer for Marc Webb‘s The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was expected to feature some of the same footage that was shown. But that wasn’t the case. Taking the internet by storm, the trailer followed in the footsteps of other trailer for tentpole films, by debuting trailers for the trailers. But those trailers even undersold the final product because what fans saw was more than they could ever ask for. Teases for Doctor Octopus, the first look at Rhino, perhaps the Green Goblin, and of course Electro. Oh there were also fun hidden websites just in case you were wondering. Continue on to the next page. >>>>Pages: 1 2 Features Trailers Weekly Dom HemingwayGodzillaGrand Budapest HotelGravityInside Llewyn DavisPain & GainPain and GainSpring BreakersThe Amazing Spider-Man 2The Lego MovieThe Wolf of Wall Street
Trailers Weekly: “6 Souls”, “The Call”, “Spring Breakers”, “Peeples”, & “Kon-Tiki” February 23, 2013Trailers Weekly is a feature in which we bring you the most popular and talked about trailers of the week. Sharing trailers is a classic viral practice, and trailers are still the most mainstream way for people to learn about movies. This week we have trailers for 6 Souls, The… Read More
A Neophyte’s Retrospective of The James Bond Film Series December 31, 2012December 31, 2012This year marked the 50th anniversary for the James Bond film series. Between Dr. No in 1962 and this November’s Skyfall, there have been twenty-three official movies (and one bastard child). I have never been a big fan of the series, but I really enjoyed the recent films with Daniel…Pages: 1 2 Read More
Social Media Monthly: August 2012 July 30, 2012July 30, 2012Welcome to our only monthly feature here on MovieViral. A day or two ahead of time, we’ll list the various social media accounts (specifically Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube for now) for all the major theatrical releases each month. We hope that this allows you to follow your favorite films more… Read More