“That Awkward Moment” Viral Marketing Launches Relationship Quiz On Tumblr Kevin C, January 17, 2014 That Awkward Moment stars Michael B. Jordan, Zac Efron, Miles Teller as three best friends who are at different stages of a “relationship.” To help promote the film Focus Features launched a newly released interactive quiz featuring the three actors on Tumblr site. This hybrid video/quiz site gives the viewer a look at all the stars (as themselves) on a couch as they ask questions and chat about individual preferences. The goal of the quiz is to help the viewer understand if they might be in a relationship or not based on a series of questions and answers.The quiz asks a series of specific queries in an effort to guess if you and the guy you’re talking to are “Not in a relationship” or “Definitely in a relationship”. While suited for a female audience, some of the questions lead to funny conversations. As you continue through the quiz, the guys engage in all sorts of back and forth banter related to the questions asked.One example question looks like this: Is his name saved in your phone’s contacts as (1) a clue to how you met him or (2) his real name?As you take the test, a gauge in the top-right corner of the quiz gives you an idea of how far into the “relationship zone” you are. Each question takes you closer or further away. As you refresh the page, different questions are asked, and banter changes accordingly. The questions vary from sexual activities, how you interact with friends, or use of emoticons. In one case, the guys actually mention Snapchat. Interestingly, if you answer everything like a “hook-up”, you’ll find the meter swings so far to the right, that it goes off the gauge.That Awkward Moment opens in theatres January 31st, 2014. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing That Awakward Moment
SNL: Would the Real Mark Zuckerberg Please Stand Up? January 30, 2011Actor Jesse Eisenberg hosted NBC’s Saturday Night Live last night, and his monologue became a “Berg” paradox that should have destroyed the entire universe. Instead, we got an awkward and hilarious moment between Eisenberg, who plays Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg in The Social Network, Adam Samberg, who plays Zuckerberg on… Read More
Mark of the Spider-Man Viral Continues With Tagging Events Around Country, New York and Phoenix Tonight February 17, 2012March 21, 2012The new The Amazing Spider-Man viral campaign, Mark of the Spider-Man, continued over the course of the past few days; following on from the operative hunts in 6 cities on Tuesday, the 30 selected ‘operatives’ who were successful, have received instructions via phone to meet up in certain places in their specific cities…. Read More
New UK Food Truck Feeds Your Inner Zombie [And Promotes Release Of “The Walking Dead” Season 2 DVD] August 30, 2012The food truck craze may have hit a few years ago, but it has yet to hit its peak. The entire country has become so enraptured with this food out of a truck craze, that everyone else outside of the United States also wants in on the action. Everyone knows… Read More