“Godzilla” Prequel Comic “Godzilla: Awakening” Hitting Shelves May 7 Kevin C, January 22, 2014 With the release of Godzilla just around the corner, marketing should be kicking into high gear for this new iteration of the much-loved kaiju. Today, Legendary Pictures announced the release of a graphic novel before Godzilla opens in theatres. The graphic novel will be titled Godzilla: Awakening and hit stores on May 7, 2014. Hit the jump for more details on the comic.Written by Greg Borenstein and Max Borenstein (writers of the movie); Godzilla: Awakening‘s adventure is set decades before the movie’s timeline and presumably ties into the movie’s story without spoiling any plot points. Given the fertile ground comics have been for movies lately, tying the medium into a movie’s release is becoming more common. In some cases, graphic novels have been used to great effect when attempting to expand a movie’s universe of characters.To announce this new graphic novel tie-in, Godzilla director Gareth Edwards took to Youtube:Godzilla stars Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Elizabeth Olsen, Bryan Cranston, Juliette Binoche, David Strathairn, Ken Watanabe, and Sally Hawkins. Warner Brothers will release the film into theaters May 16, 2014 News Gareth EdwardsGodzillaGraphic NovelLegendary Pictures
Mouth-Taped-Shut.com: Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Viral Marketing or Just an Early Look? September 6, 2011September 9, 2011As ominously silent as the snow covered entrance to the mansion is in David Fincher’s The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is, the marketing is mute. We haven’t seen or heard too much from the film outside the suspected leaked red band trailer, the official trailer, and the teaser site… Read More
Viral Video Round Up: Toy Story, Guy Ritchie, Captain Planet, Aziz Ansari, Dark Knight Rises, And More! September 5, 2011September 5, 2011The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break.Pages: 1 2 Read More
Exclusive: “What’s In The Box?” Director Confirms Feature Film Still Happening April 4, 2010About one year ago a mysterious short film called “What’s In the Box?” by Tim Smit was posted on YouTube that impressed millions with it’s convincing (but unofficial) connection to LOST, Half Life, Portal, and Samsung, along with great VFX mystery and action. It lead to a complex fan-made viral… Read More