Star Wars And Marvel Geek It Out On Twitter Christopher Moore, January 23, 2014January 23, 2014 Forget the talk about Batman versus Superman. The big rivalry happening this week is between Star Wars and Marvel via their Twitter accounts. What started as an “AskStarWars” Twitter event turned into a hilarious back and forth ribbing between the two brands. Even Iron Man jumped into the fray. Check out their geeky social media melee after the break. @starwars Can we borrow some lightsabers? We have…science…to do. #AskStarWars— Marvel Entertainment (@Marvel) January 23, 2014 We’ll trade you for the Mjölnir. RT @Marvel: @starwars Can we borrow some lightsabers? We have…science…to do. #AskStarWars— Star Wars (@starwars) January 23, 2014 Throw in Yoda and a few Hutts, then…maybe. RT @starwars: We’ll trade you for the Mjölnir. #AskStarWars — Marvel Entertainment (@Marvel) January 23, 2014 How about Mace Windu for Nick Fury? RT @Marvel: Throw in Yoda and a few Hutts, then…maybe. — Star Wars (@starwars) January 23, 2014 We might could. How about @Deadpool for Boba Fett? RT @starwars: How about Mace Windu for Nick Fury? — Marvel Entertainment (@Marvel) January 23, 2014 Throw in a few of Stark’s armors and we’ll consider. RT @Marvel: We might could. How about @Deadpool for Boba Fett?— Star Wars (@starwars) January 23, 2014 @starwars @Marvel You rang?!— Tony Stark (@Iron_Man) January 23, 2014 So you can put ewoks in them? THE DEAL IS OVER. #westillloveyou RT @starwars: Throw in a few of Stark’s armors and we’ll consider. — Marvel Entertainment (@Marvel) January 23, 2014 What can we say? His helmets would make a great drum set. RT @Marvel: So you can put ewoks in them? THE DEAL IS OVER. — Star Wars (@starwars) January 23, 2014 That’s all the time we have today for #AskStarWars. @Marvel, we’ll finish this later!— Star Wars (@starwars) January 23, 2014 @starwars Just remember–we have a Hulk.— Marvel Entertainment (@Marvel) January 23, 2014 @Marvel Just remember–it’s not wise to upset a Wookiee.— Star Wars (@starwars) January 23, 2014 @starwars We can handle a few scruffy looking nerf herders. Have ya seen Wolverine? #sohairy— Marvel Entertainment (@Marvel) January 23, 2014 @Marvel Who’s scruffy lookin’? Runt would fit right in with the Ewoks! #theyrehairytoo— Star Wars (@starwars) January 23, 2014 @starwars Well that’s just mean. It seems you’ve gone over to the Dark Side. Don’t make us send Galactus over there.— Marvel Entertainment (@Marvel) January 23, 2014 @Marvel Alright, alright. Let’s not get carried away. We’ll see you at the cantina. We hear there’s a great band playing tonight.— Star Wars (@starwars) January 23, 2014 @starwars Heck yeah. The blue milk and chimichangas are on us!— Marvel Entertainment (@Marvel) January 23, 2014For future geek fights, you can follow them on Twitter at StarWars and Marvel. Thanks to the Time website for the heads up. Social Networks Viral Marketing Boba FettDeadpoolEwoksIron ManMarvelnick furyStar WarsTwitterWolverineWookiee
WB Launches The Treasures of Middle Earth Art Contest September 5, 2012December 27, 2012If you are looking to be a part of designing the world of Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit and are not a part of Jackson’s WETA team, WB is giving you that chance. Well not to be a part of WETA’s team, but who knows what may come out of this… Read More
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