Fox TV Show “The Following” Allows You To Call Joe Carroll Christopher Moore, January 27, 2014January 27, 2014 With the newest episode of The Following screening tonight, the show’s Facebook page posted a picture of a phone number written on a piece of paper. If you call the phone number, the show’s cult leader Joe Carroll answers with a message to his “followers” everywhere. Find out the phone number and what the message says after the break.Here’s the original Facebook post:Post by The Following. Per The Hollywood Reporter, the number also appears in tonight’s episode as an ad in the classifieds. The number is a New York number that was purchased by the show’s marketing department, and when you call it, Joe Carroll (James Purefoy) answers the phone with the message below:Hello, friend. If you call this number, you must be a “Follower.” I’m sorry to have been gone so long. Your loyalty and dedication means everything to me. This time I won’t disappoint. The resurrection is coming. Be ready.You then hear the sound of the line going dead. Listening to the message, I didn’t realize until he said the world “resurrection” that the initials of Joe Carroll are J.C. The same as another person who had followers, later died and was resurrected: a guy by the name of Jesus Christ. Could this be a coincidence?The Following airs Mondays at 9 pm on Fox.If you’d like to check out The Following in all it’s social media outlets, you can “Like” their Facebook page, follow them on Twitter, subscribe to their YouTube and add them on Google Plus. The show’s official site is here. Social Networks Viral Marketing Viral News FoxJames PurefoyKevin BaconThe Following
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