“Transcendence” Viral Videos Makes Their Presence Known Michael Lee, March 28, 2014March 28, 2014 Since the release of the three viral videos promoting Transcendence, all we have managed to see from the film is a fun game that measures your technology dependency. With the film closing in on it’s April release, the viral marketing it starting to kick up once again.This time, there are two new viral videos from R.I.F.T. (Revolutionary Independence From Technology), the organization, led by Kata Mara‘s character, that protests the erratic advancement of technology. Hit the jump to see what they have to say.Thanks to The Playlist via Slashfilm for these videos.The “This is just the beginning” video makes me think that there will be more protest videos from R.I.F.T. Transcendence’s themes are just begging to be a part of a viral marketing campaign, and with R.I.F.T. being a vital part of the film, it is quite possible that there is more to come. Or maybe we can see more from Will Caster (Johnny Depp). We’ll keep you posted as this intriguing viral marketing campaign continues. Dr. Will Caster (Johnny Depp) is the foremost researcher in the field of Artificial Intelligence, working to create a sentient machine that combines the collective intelligence of everything ever known with the full range of human emotions. His highly controversial experiments have made him famous, but they have also made him the prime target of anti-technology extremists who will do whatever it takes to stop him. However, in their attempt to destroy Will, they inadvertently become the catalyst for him to succeed—to be a participant in his own transcendence. For his wife Evelyn (Rebecca Hall) and best friend Max Waters (Paul Bettany), both fellow researchers, the question is not if they can…but if they should. Their worst fears are realized as Will’s thirst for knowledge evolves into a seemingly omnipresent quest for power, to what end is unknown. The only thing that is becoming terrifyingly clear is there may be no way to stop him.The Playlist via Slashfilm Viral Marketing Viral News Viral Videos Johnny DeppKate MaraRIFTTranscendenceWally PfisterWarner Bros
Concept Art Revealed for Disneyland’s TRON Show, To Be Titled “ElecTRONica” September 1, 2010Early last month, we told you about how Disney was looking cross-promote the upcoming Tron Legacy with their Disneyland California Adventure park via a nighttime show of some sort. Now we have a few more details on the show, to be titled “ElecTRONica” (clever, no?), as well as pretty crazy… Read More
YouTube Celebrates Fifth Birthday May 17, 2010It’s hard to believe, but YouTube has only been around for five years. That means it wasn’t around in the last election Bush won, MySpace and Facebook had already been around for over a year, and Twitter was just a gleam in Odeo’s (now Obvious Corp) eye. Since its creation,… Read More
Tron Legacy Soundtrack: Pushed Back To December 7th, Poster Partially Revealed October 11, 2010When the official website for the Tron Legacy soundtrack revealed the album’s release date, a poster for the soundtrack featuring album producers Daft Punk was teased. This weekend was the end of the countdown for the poster, but we only get a glimpse. The soundtrack has also been delayed a… Read More