Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige Talks “Captain America: The Winter Soldier”, “Age Of Ultron”, And More Michael Lee, March 31, 2014March 31, 2014 The Marvel Cinematic Universe wouldn’t be as expansive, enormous, and entertaining as it is now without Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige keeping a close eye on things. It was, for the most part, his vision that gave birth to films like The Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, any of the other Phase 2 films and beyond. With Captain America: The Winter Soldier being the last film of Phase 2 set on Earth, this would be one of the few times we would get to talk about one of the heroes of the Avengers before we venture out into unknown galaxies in Guardians of the Galaxy.We got to sit down with other members of the press to talk about the treatment of female characters in The Winter Soldier, the possibility of a solo Black Widow film, the heavy action sequences seen in the sequel, the other Marvel properties, like X-Men and Spider-Man, that exist outside of Marvel Studios’ reach, and Age of Ultron. Hit the jump to read the entire interview. One element from the film that I loved was how you treat your female characters with respect, admiration and the film is almost as much about Natasha’s journey as it is Steve’s. Will we be seeing a sole like Black Widow film sometime in the future?Kevin Feige: I think it could be great. We’ve got various outlines and ideas of where to take that. As Scarlett has already said, there’s a big element that explores her back story in an upcoming Marvel feature. So the question really is when would we want to take her out of that ensemble to go and do her own thing? In fact, as you saw in this movie, as you’ll see in Avengers: Age of Ultron, she is kind of key to so much of the broader world.Where do you decide to bend things or break them in the interest of moving these films forward as their own unique piece of entertainment?Feige: In terms of the big event that happens in the movie that changes everything, that was part of the plan for quite awhile – to mix things up and for the world to be very different at the beginning of Avengers II than it was at the end of Avengers I. But also the Russos – in terms of tone – in terms of action, when we met with Joe and Anthony, they were very clear and had very lofty ambitions, saying things like, “We want to do the best car chase in any Marvel movie and maybe the best car chase of all time.” I said, “Well, that sounds good. Let’s try that.” And referencing the best choreographed fight scenes from the last 30 years as inspiration and damned if they didn’t pull it off.I’m wondering if you can tell me how much of any influence you have on these other Marvel films that come out of different studios? Feige: It’s limited. It’s very limited with the other studios. Mainly for two reasons. One because we’re quite busy building – building our own cinematic universe and also the contracts are very old and the approvals are very limited. Those contracts are very old with the other studios. I expect they’ll be making Spidey movies at Sony for a long time and X-Men movies at Fox for a long time and I hope we keep making MCU movies for a long time at Marvel.Captain America: The Winter Soldier opens in theaters on April 4. Interviews Avengers: Age of UltronCaptain America: The Winter SoldierChris EvansKevin Feigesamuel l. jacksonScarlett JohanssonThe Avengers: Age of Ultron
Justin Long Talks Tusk, Working With Kevin Smith Again, Wearing A Walrus Suit, Michael Parks, And More September 19, 2014September 19, 2014Tusk is the first film in Kevin Smith‘s quasi-trilogy, True North Trilogy. The film follows Wallace (Justin Long), a podcaster who drives up to the backwoods of Canada to interview a Howard, a man who wants to tell his stories to someone. Little does Wallace know, Howard is a psychotic… Read More
Conventions VidCon 2014: The Fine Brothers On Virality, Key To Online Success And Cat Videos June 30, 2014July 1, 2014The Fine Brothers Raf and Benny, creators of the “React” videos and Film/TV shows “in 7 minutes”, sat down to talk to press about their latest endevour. They are teaming up with viral superstars Grumpy Cat and other YouTubers for The Friskies. Cat food company Friskies will celebrate online cat… Read More
“Despicable Me 2” Interview: Kristen Wiig Coming Back For Extended Role, Comedic Influences, & Future Roles July 1, 2013July 1, 2013There is a very good reason why Kristen Wiig is among the top female comedians in the world right now. Bright, funny, and having that ability to mix it up a bit, makes her genuinely funny. She may have had a small part in the first Despicable Me film, but… Read More