“Sharknado 2: The Second One” Offers Fans To Create A Scene With New Indiegogo Project Michael Lee, April 14, 2014 Whether or not you liked (or even seen) Sharknado, the TV Movie has become a cult smash hit. The ratings were so good that SyFy quickly commissioned a sequel appropriately titled Sharknado 2: The Second One. Now those who are a fan of the film or just have enough money to get into the filmmaking gig can be a part of the experience by creating a scene for the film, which they will get credit for, if they are willing to pony up $50,000. Hit the jump to learn more.The Asylum, the studio which produced the first one as well as the second one, is behind this IndieGoGo project. The campaign will run through May 30, with contributors able to earn will get some Sharknado 2 swag and an exclusive window on production, from behind-the-scenes footage to breaking news and advance DVD copies if they aren’t willing to donate $50,000. The strangest thing about this project is that it is already a fully funded project that is looking for more money from the public. Sure, credit for overseeing a scene is a nice incentive, but to put it as an IndieGoGo incentive is somewhat questionable. That prize might be better suited for Omaze.Regardless, the crowdsourcing project is up and running. There are also opportunities to get a paid trip to the premiere party, plus an associate producer credit. It should be interesting to see what sort of scene does get added, if someone decides to spend that sort of money. Viral Marketing Viral News IndieGoGoSharknado 2: The Second OneThe Asylum
Check Out This Modernized Tron Trailer March 30, 2010March 30, 2010If you’ve ever watched a trailer from say 1990 or before, you know how horribly boring and wordy they are. Fortunately, with the much-anticipated Tron Legacy coming out this year, YouTuber Chris Drew has created a modern trailer for the original 1982 hit. It’s really well done, full of action… Read More
“Pacific Rim” Facebook Page Posts Realistic Photos Of Monster Clean-Up March 19, 2013Guillermo Del Toro’s epic giant robots versus giant monsters movie Pacific Rim may still be a few months away from its July 11th theatrical release, but you can dive into the world of the Kaiju thanks to the film’s Facebook page. Warner Bros. has been posting images every weekday since… Read More
TubeRank Helps You Create Viral Videos February 12, 2013Viral videos are difficult to make. How can you be sure that your video will inspire people to share and talk about it? TubeRank is an online app from VAN that is designed specifically to help you come up with ideas with viral potential. Just select the triggers, interests, and… Read More