Watch Robocop Throw Out The First Pitch At A Detroit Tigers Game Michael Lee, June 4, 2014June 4, 2014 This week was to commemorate the unveiling of the Robocop statue that was built thanks to a Kickstarter launched by Imagination Station Detroit. But things did not go as scheduled.Originally Detroit was to celebrate Robocop day, a day that was completely dedicated to the iconic pop culture police officer who is half human/half robot. And while the statue unveiling did not go as planned, Robocop still got to tour the city of Detroit, and even throw out the first pitch at a Detroit Tigers vs Toronto Blue Jays game at Comerica Park in Detroit, Michigan, which happened to be the same the same day that the DVD/Blu-ray for the reboot was released. Hit the jump to see which Robocop stepped onto the mound. Your browser does not support iframes.Yeah, since this was for the DVD/Blu-ray release of the Jose Padilha reboot, we got to see the sleek jet black Robocop, not the classic silver one seen in Paul Verhoeven. But let’s face it, at least he did a better job at throwing the first pitch then 50 Cent did. In addition to the cerominal first pitch, Robocop also visited other Detroit hotspots such as The Monument to Joe Louis, The Spirit of Detroit, and 8 Mile. But like the broadcaster said, I don’t think Robocop was using his full potential when throwing out the first pitch. Next time he should use his arm cannon or a launcher of some sort to throw out the first pitch. Now that would have been a real Robocop pitch. News Viral Marketing Viral News Viral Videos Jose PadilhaRobocop
“Prometheus” Facebook Page to Feature Fan Art on “Fan Fridays” April 7, 2012April 7, 2012With the release of Prometheus just about two months away, the viral for the film seems to have taken a break. However, fans of Ridley Scott’s Alien franchise are congregating at the film’s official Facebook page. They comment on page updates, share theories about the film and even post art… Read More
New “Avengers” Site Offers Free Stuff with Movie Purchase September 24, 2012There is a good chance that you’re going to buy Marvel’s The Avengers in some format, whether it’s Blu-ray or DVD, when it is released tomorrow, or at least in the very near future. While finally owning what many believe is one of, if not the best superhero movie ever,… Read More
2012: The Package November 11, 2009November 11, 2009UPDATE: That was quick. Almost as soon as I posted this, Charlie Frost updated his blog again to let us know that Professor Meyer is dead. He was apparently on a fishing trip, which is ironic given his last update. Looks like when the IHC wants to shut someone up,… Read More