Get A Rock-Hard Bod By Joining Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s ‘Team Hercules’ Campaign Caleb Hamilton, June 13, 2014June 13, 2014 Dwyane Johnson stars as the Greek mythological hero Hercules in Paramount’s upcoming film, Hercules. In order to get into shape, Johnson had to endure a grueling 20-week regimen which included a “crazy diet”. Many film fans may wonder what goes into getting ripped for a character like Hercules, well The Rock wants to tell you the secret to becoming a warrior. Paramount Pictures has launched #TeamHercules, a social media campaign designed to help people get motivated and active. More after the jump.To get started, you should follow Dwayne on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. From those social media outlets, you’ll get access to workouts, diet information and motivational videos from The Rock himself! You can engage with other participants by using the #TeamHercules hashtag and discover other Tweets and photos. You’re also encouraged to submit your own photos and motivational messages as you follow the workouts and diet tips released over the course of the campaign. Check out Dwayne’s first video message below.Will you become a warrior and join #TeamHercules?Haunted by a sin from his past, Hercules (Dwayne Johnson) has become a mercenary. Along with five faithful companions, he travels ancient Greece selling his services for gold and using his legendary reputation to intimidate enemies. But when the benevolent ruler of Thrace and his daughter seek Hercules’ help to defeat a savage and terrifying warlord, Hercules finds that in order for good to triumph and justice to prevail… he must again become the hero he once was… he must embrace his own myth… he must be Hercules.Hercules is in theaters July 25th! News Social Networks Viral Marketing Viral Videos FacebookFitnessHerculesInstagramMGMParamountTeamHerculesTwitter
Coke Zero Has New Interactive “TRON: Legacy” Games and Exclusive Content November 25, 2010Coke Zero is to TRON: Legacy as Dr. Pepper was to Iron Man 2. Coke has given us a new mobile iPhone app, interactive cups, new videos, a thinner waistline, and more! Find out all about it after the jump. Read More
‘Pitch Perfect 2’ Trailer: The Barden Bellas Vs The World November 20, 2014November 20, 2014Anna Kendrick and her fellow Barden Bella compatriots in Pitch Perfect completely captivated us with witty humor and some great mash ups of pop songs. Now they are ready for world domination in Pitch Perfect 2. Kendrick, Rebel Wilson, and more return to reprise their respective roles as the senior… Read More
Steig Larrson’s “Millenium Trilogy” to Become Graphic Novel Series October 17, 2011International phenomenon and best-selling book series, The Millennium Trilogy is being adapted into a series of graphic novels by DC Entertainment’s imprint, Vertigo. The company will work with Steig Larrson’s (author of the Millennium Trilogy) estate and Hedlund Literary Agency to adapt the books. Find out more after the jump. Read More