Watch Pearl Jam Stop Playing “Daughter” To Sing “Let It Go” Michael Lee, June 23, 2014June 23, 2014 The cold never bothered Pearl Jam anyway. Amateurs and professionals covering Frozen‘s Academy Award winning song Let It Go are all over youtube, and with more and more videos popping up online, it was only a matter of time before major bands started to sing the song during a concert. And that is just what Pearl Jam did, midway through Daughter no less. Hit the jump to see the performance!Unfortunately this is the best quality of the video we can find, so the performance does sound a bit muddled. But that hasn’t stopped the video from going viral. It has already nabbed half a million views since it has been uploaded yesterday. Not bad.Idina Menzel originally sang the song, with Demi Lovato singing a upbeat pop version of it. So maybe when they do a 10th anniversary re-release, we will hear Pearl Jam do a grunge rock cover of the Oscar winning song.So what do you think? Let us know if there is a better video of the performance.Frozen is out on Blu-ray and DVD. News Viral News Viral Videos Eddie VedderFrozenLet It GoPearl Jam
New Avatar TV Spot November 5, 2009Last night a new Avatar TV spot debuted during the World Series on FOX. Check it out below: This spot definitely pushes the action of the film, pretty much ignoring any story elements. After the recent theatrical trailer really dived into the plot and characters, I’m thinking 20th Century FOX… Read More
“Amazing Spider-Man 2” Viral Site Makes Dr. Octopus Connection To Latest Trailer December 7, 2013December 7, 2013The first trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 has just been released, and already the viral site is making connections to it. While we don’t know the extent of BJ Novak‘s role in the sequel, rumors are swirling that it could be anyone from Donald Menken, Norman Osborn’s assistant, to… Read More
Everyone Goes Too Far In “Inside” Episode 6 August 3, 2011These recent episodes of The Inside Experience have been coming fast, and now we have Episode 6. This morning Christina woke up to find that her captor had recorded her (fortunately clothed) shower and put it on the Internet. Watch her extreme and unfortunate reaction after the break. Read More