“Reading Rainbow” Kickstarter Ends Campaign With $5.4 Million Michael Lee, July 3, 2014July 2, 2014 Briefly: LaVar Burton‘s Reading Rainbow may have reached it’s $1 million goal in a day, but fans would keep backing the project for days and weeks until it reached its $5 million goal. And now that the 35-day campaign has come to an end, it’s time to count how backers donated to the project. We recently reported that Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane promised to match every dollar donated to the campaign when it reached $4 million. That must given the campaign the extra push it needed to reach the $5 million goal, plus approximately $400K of interest.Mashable is reporting that the Reading Rainbow Kickstarter’s final numbers are $5.4 million. You can add another million that will be donated by MacFarline as promised, which would make it a grand total of $6.4 million. The campaign first started back on May 28, and as aforementioned, the project reached its $1 million target in a day. Then it reached $2 million on day two. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral News LaVar BurtonReading Rainbow
12 Days of Viral – DAY FOUR December 16, 2009December 17, 2009On the fourth day of viral, my movie gave to me….. My face on the site. Now I personally do not feel as if this is a form of “viral” marketing, but if it’s gets you talking to friends about it, then it’s working. And, it’s a ton of fun… Read More
Tron Legacy: Viral Site Unlocks More Answers, Questions March 25, 2010December 3, 2010A new viral site for Tron Legacy has been discovered within the ArcadeAid.com website. The site, Cheat Code, allows members to enter the names of Encom employees and get their password and username to login into the Employee Intranate. Once logged in, players can sift through emails sent between various… Read More
Viral Video: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Use Their Weapons March 17, 2010Everyone loves the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but despite having some cool ninja weapons, they never really used them. Thanks to CollegeHumor, we know have a good idea why: There probably wouldn’t have been any sequels. Check out the video after the jump. Read More