Legendary Unveils New Oculus Rift Game At Comic-Con Based on “Pacific Rim” Christopher Moore, July 24, 2014 Amongst all the cool things being revealed at Comic-Con this year, Legendary and Guillermo del Toro are showing off a new way to experience the world of Pacific Rim. They’ve partnered with Oculus VR, the leading pioneers of virtual reality, to deliver a game called Pacific Rim: Jaeger Pilot. The game allows fans to step into a fully-realized Jaeger Combat Simulator and experience what it feels like to pilot a 250-foot robot. Check out their promo video after the break.Developed with Unreal Engine 4, they’ve used original film assets from Industrial Light & Magic to create the game which puts you into a first-person battle between Gypsy Danger and the kaiju codenamed Knifehead. Here’s their promo video: If you’re at Comic-Con this week, you should definitely check it out. Let us know in the comment section what you think about it. Comic-Con Conventions Events News Guillermo Del TorojaegerkaijuLegendaryOculus RiftPacific Rim
“The Hunger Games” Viral Knows Who You Are August 29, 2011August 30, 2011Maybe Lionsgate didn’t give it some thought at first, but when we wrote an article about a possible viral site for The Hunger Games, the studio called to inform us that they weren’t marketing such a site nor were they affiliated with it. Naturally we edited it to inform you… Read More
Comic-Con Saturday Programming Schedule Announced July 10, 2010July 11, 2010Comic-Con International is releasing their daily schedules for San Diego Comic-Con exactly two weeks before each day occurs, so today we have the Saturday July 24th schedule. The day jammed pack with goodness, so after the jump we’ll highlight a few of the programs from the day that peak our… Read More
Hear Tracks From Daft Punk’s Tron Legacy Soundtrack July 27, 2010July 30, 2010The soundtrack for Tron Legacy is almost as anticipated as the film itself, thanks to the fact that it’s being produced by Daft Punk. While we can’t show you the special Comic-Con footage screened for the film, we have found a few of the tracks from the soundtrack, thanks to… Read More