“Project Almanac” Flyers Signal Secret Screening At Comic-Con Michael Lee, July 24, 2014July 24, 2014 If you just so happen to be over at the San Diego Comic-Con, you have seen a couple of flyers for the found footage time traveling thriller Project Almanac. Though the film has gone through various title changes, the premise of the film has stayed the same. Project Almanac follows a group of young teenagers who discover a document that would allow them to build a time machine. Using a video camera to record their discovery, they successfully build the time machine, only to find out that there are repercussions to altering the past, and they must find a way to reset everything to the way it once was.While the film does dive into that time traveling fantasy, it manages to stay grounded by limited to how far back the device can take them. And now the Platinum Dunes company is ready to unveil the film to those over at SDCC. Hit the jump to check out the flyers that will lead you to the secret screening. So far I’ve only seen these flyers at the Gaslamp District, but for all we know, they could be posted everywhere in the Comic-Con vicinity. But they all direct you to the screening of the film.A group of teens embark on an adventure when they discover secret plans to build a time machine.Starring Jonny Weston, Sofia Black D’Elia, Amy Landecker, Michelle DeFraites, Ginny Gardner and Sam Lerner, Project Almanac opens in theaters on January 30, 2015. It is directed by Dean Israelite. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral News Paramount PicturesPlantnium DunesProject Almanac
Viral Video Round Up: Marvel Universe, Teen Wolf Too, 30 Minutes or Less, Jurassic Park, and More! August 7, 2011October 18, 2011The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break.Pages: 1 2 Read More
New ‘Star Wars Arcade’ App Seats You in the Millennium Falcon November 30, 2010I don’t own an iPhone or the iPod Touch, so I have been unable to enjoy the thousands of apps that have come out in recent years. If I did though, this would be the first one I would download. THQ Wireless Inc. has released a new mobile game called… Read More
Exclusive Crazies Comic Book Review February 17, 2010October 18, 2011Most films that have viral campaigns do so because there is so much backstory worth exploring, yet they cannot waste time (and pacing) in the film to flesh it all out. The Crazies falls into that category, as the events leading up to the outbreak are glossed over in favor… Read More