“Deadpool” Scribe Rhett Reese Launches Twitter Campaign To Get “Deadpool” Movie Made Michael Lee, August 8, 2014August 8, 2014 The moment that the Deadpool test footage leaked, it instantly went viral. Comic book fans passed it to their friends, their friends past it to their friends, so on and so forth. We haven’t seen much of the character since he appeared unmasked in X-Men: Origins: Wolverine, but we knew that Ryan Reynolds was perfect for the role – at least better suited than he was for the Green Lantern. Having said that, it would be difficult for Fox to invest in a comic book film adaptation where the titular character is constantly mouthing off and has an appetite for violence and chimichangas.Having said that, those who saw it wanted more than test footage, they wanted an actual movie. Fans have been clamoring for it, even after the test footage was taken down, Blur Studios released a high resolution version of it because of the hugely positive response it was getting on the Internet.Now Deadpool scribe Rhett Reese wants everyone who wants to see a Deadpool movie to “break the Internet,” by helping him with a Twitter campaign. Hit the jump to see how you can do it.Here’s the video just in case you’ve missed it.Reese tweeted out the following message to his followers.Team Pool needs your official 'vote' of support. Let's break the internet. RETWEET if you would buy a ticket to the DEADPOOL MOVIE.— Rhett Reese (@RhettReese) August 7, 2014Seems simple enough. As of this report, Reese’s tweet has 28K retweets. Not sure if that is really enough to convince a studio to give Reese the go ahead to make this movie, but let’s see what happens after a couple of days.20th Century Fox has taken down the video many times, and to no avail, as copies have been popping up. Hopefully this will convince them to at least consider or at least let fans know they are talking about it. Social Networks Viral Marketing Viral News 20th Century FoxDeadpoolRhett ReeseTwitter
Are You Walking…. And Dead? October 13, 2010January 25, 2011One of the most exciting times of the year for me, is Halloween. Not only do I get candy (not from trick-or-treating, but from buying it in bulk), but I have a great reason to watch all types of horror flicks, at any time of the day. And one of… Read More
J.J. Abrams Reveals New X-Wing In New ‘Star Wars Episode VII’ Video July 21, 2014July 21, 2014Star Wars and Omaze’s Force For Change campaign is now in its last week, and the two are working hard to promote it. We’ve already seen J.J. Abrams promote the campaign in a video that revealed some of the practical effects that will be seen Star Wars Episode VII, which… Read More
Darth Vader Commands You To Turn Left: TomTom Adds Star Wars Voices May 7, 2010May 7, 2010Tired of those boring computer/English voices on your car’s GPS device telling you where to go? Well, now you can ride in style (nerd style) with new Star Wars voices for TomTom devices. The company has even launched an online game you can play to win a TomTom GPS device… Read More