Mysterious Billboard Pops Up For “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” In LA Christopher Moore, August 18, 2014August 18, 2014 With the second season of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. premiering in September, a mysterious new billboard that promotes the show has popped up on a popular LA intersection. It features the weird alien equation that Agent Coulson was writing at the end of the season finale. Check out the mysterious billboard after the jump.Because it doesn’t have anything on it other than the alien equation, it will be interesting to see if this billboard changes to something different in the next few weeks. If it does change, we’ll definitely post about it on our site.Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D returns for a second season on Sept 23rd at 9 pm EST on ABC.Thanks to EW for the heads up about the billboard and the pic. News Viral Marketing Viral News ABCCoulsonMarvel StudiosMarvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D
Last Piece of “Let Me In” Viral Plus a Deleted Scene October 5, 2010October 6, 2010The Let Me In viral campaign is done and over with, but I got one more piece in the mail; a certain photobooth photo that is shown in the film. /Film also has an exclusive deleted scene that you can watch over on their site. To see the photo and… Read More
Fan Made Work Watch: Spoof Trailer for “WikiLeaks: The Movie” December 19, 2010December 19, 2010You’ve probably heard of WikiLeaks, the organization that has been leaking classified government documents to the public over the last few years in order to keep governments “open.” Well, A spoof trailer that dramatizes the entire WikiLeaks story is on YouTube, and it’s pretty good. Check it out after the… Read More
“Hunger Games” Viral: Get Your District’s ID Card March 24, 2012March 24, 2012The Hunger Games have finally started, but the viral is still going strong! Last month it was announced that all citizens of Panem are required to carry physical DIPs (District Identification Pass). Lionsgate and CafePress partnered to offer Hunger Games fans their own DIPs when they register with The Capitol…. Read More