Kevin Smith’s ‘Tusk’ Gets A Medical Marijuana Dispensary Tie-In Michael Lee, September 8, 2014January 15, 2023 Kevin Smith isn’t one to be afraid to kiss and tell about his use of weed. Most of the time the characters in his films are using it. And now in the wake of Washington and Colorado legalizing weed, plus 23 other states legalizing it for medicinal purposes, Smith has found a way to get a weed marketing tie-in into his latest film Tusk. We received a press release earlier today announcing the Tusk weed marketing tie-in. A24, the film’s distributor, is teaming up with Buds & Roses in Los Angeles. Here is the full press release:Partnering with A24 Films, The World’s Best Ever is celebrating the release of Kevin Smith’s new film TUSK in a multitude of ways. Keying in on the director’s admission that the film “was born in a blaze” the TWBE Ideas division has created packaging inspired by the film for two strains of medicinal marijuana. Named ‘Mr. Tusk’ and ‘White Walrus’, these brands of pot have been grown by Kushman Veganics for Buds & Roses, one of Los Angeles’s oldest and most respected medical-marijuana dispensaries. Accompanying this in-store promotion, limited edition herb grinders bearing the Tusk logo will be given away to patients of the dispensary and fans of the film, so that they have a daily reminder of the soul crushing spirit of the film’s main antagonist, Howard Howe. And what would all of this be without a user-generated contest? Until the release of the Tusk on September 19th, we’ll be asking fans to submit to instagram their best pictures of #WalrusBreath, optimally described as “the act of creating tusks by blowing smoke or vapor out of one’s nostrils.”Starring Justin Long, Haley Joel Osment, Michael Parks, and Genesis Rodriguez, A24 will release TUSK in theaters nationwide September 19, 2014. Viral Marketing Viral News A24Justin LongKevin SmithMichael ParksTusk
Facebook Premieres “X-Men: First Class” Trailer, Promises New Content February 10, 2011Lost amidst the excitement for upcoming comic book films like Captain America: First Avenger, Thor, and Green Lantern, is the Matthew Vaughn-directed X-Men: First Class. For a day at least, it appears the film will be alone in the spotlight, because 20th Century Fox has released the first trailer via… Read More
The Crazies: New Site and Login for DP Found January 16, 2010January 16, 2010The updates for The Crazies keep coming at a rapid pass the film nears it’s release next month. We’ve reported on the DP Chemicals’ homepage, and the fact that there’s a login option that we had yet to access (aside from our little Read More
Add the Weyland Med Pod 720i to Your “Prometheus” Ship April 13, 2012April 15, 2012If movies set in the future have taught us anything, its that we probably won’t be seeing flying cars, levitating skateboards, or half human-half cyborg cops any time soon. One can only imagine how far technology will advance in the next 100 years, if it advances at all. But playing… Read More