‘Interstellar’ Viral Site And Kip Thorne Featurette Michael Lee, October 1, 2014October 1, 2014 Paramount Pictures is cranking up the marketing machine for their upcoming film Interstellar. Directed by Christopher Nolan, the film takes place in the future where Earth is becoming uninhabitable, and a group of scientists are sent off to the far reaches of space to find a new world where humans can continue to thrive.The studio recently announced that the film would be released three days before its original release date. After watching the final trailer, we now know that Interstellar will be available in multiple formats ranging from IMAX 70mm, 70mm, 35mm, and other formats like 4k and digital.Now to further promote the marketing of the film, a brand new interactive site has been launched, and a new educational featurette featuring Kip Throne has been released. Hit the jump to see them both. Interstellar With Google allows you to travel space with the characters from the film. There are three different ways to explore the site.In “Space Hunt,” you will navigate the depths of outer space for Interstellar discoveries. Come back often and you may find more.“Time Capsule” and “Transmission” are currently locked, and are both set to be launched a little over a month from now. The names of those games seem pretty self explanatory, so we’ll have to see what the Paramount marketing has in store for us.We also have a new featurette the focuses on Kip Throne. Throne’s scientific research was the basis for the film’s space exploration. It shows how closely Throne and director Chirstopher Nolan worked together during the course of the film.Starring Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Casey Affleck, Jessica Chastain, David Gyasi, Ellen Burstyn, Bill Irwin,David Oyelowo, Wes Bentley, Michael Caine, and John Lithgow, Interstellar arrives in theaters November 7 Viral Marketing Christopher NolanInterstellarParamount Pictures
Syfy’s “Haven” Will Follow Twitter-integrated Plot August 12, 2011August 12, 2011In the past, we have reported on television shows that have integrated events on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. More recently, USA’s Covert Affairs did something like this where Twitter users were able to interact with CIA operatives on a mission in Budapest during an episode. Now, Syfy’s… Read More
Viral Video Round Up: The Walking Dead, The Warriors, Seth McFarlane, And More! March 3, 2013The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More
Kaiju From “Pacific Rim” Leaves Footprints on Qualcomm Stadium July 11, 2013July 11, 2013Pacific Rim opens this weekend, so you would expect the film to not have a presence at next week’s San Diego Comic-Con. However, Warner Bros. and Qualcomm have at least one trick up their sleeves. Check out how Pacific Rim plans to impact Comic-Con after the break. Read More