Latest Video From “They’re Here” Takes A Different Perspective Dan Koelsch, September 15, 2010September 27, 2010 We’ve been following the progression of the online marketing for They’re Here, a film we know very little about other than it may be about an alien invasion. We’ve seen a few videos so far that show UFOs in poor quality footage, but now we have one (apparently over Glasgow) that might be from the alien’s point of view, as the tag line “we’re here” seems to imply. Take a look at the latest video after the break. Viral Marketing Viral Videos They're HereViral video
Abrams’ Secret New Project Could Mean More Viral For Us November 6, 2009November 6, 2009When folks around here think of viral marketing, they think of Cloverfield. After all, MovieViral recognizes the film as one of the primary inspirations for the website. When folks think of Cloverfield, they probably think of its producer J.J. Abrams. It is necessary then to report any and all news regarding his upcoming projects,… Read More
YouTube Tuesday: Matt Mulholland November 13, 2012November 12, 2012We at MovieViral know our viral videos pretty well, so we decided to share our knowledge to those looking to expand their Internet horizons. YouTube Tuesday is a weekly feature where we shine the spotlight on our favorite YouTube channels related to movies and television. We focus on channels that… Read More
Viral Marketing Crazy Bradley Cooper Drug Commercial Is Really Viral Video For Movie December 9, 2010December 10, 2010TMZ of all places reported yesterday on a rather interesting video that’s hit the web. It’s a commercial for a drug called NZT, and Bradley Cooper (though never named) is the sponsor. There’s even a website for the drug. While the ad and website boast the drug’s amazing abilities (and… Read More