Follow “New Girl” Jess On Twitter Dan Koelsch, September 27, 2011 Briefly: FOX’s new comedy New Girl starring Zooey Deschanel has become a hit, and its second episode is tonight at 9pm if you are looking to catch up. To help promote the show, FOX has created a Twitter account for Deschanel’s character Jess. You can follow her adorable tweets at @ItsJessTweets (a reference to her self imposed theme song). You can follow the show itself as well on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. Social Networks Viral Marketing FoxNew GirlTwitter
2012 Viral: Please Leave a Message September 4, 2009September 4, 2009Once again, Charlie Frost is on top of his game. How the guy manages to keep his Winnebago in tip top shape, and yet still find time to post conspiracies and insider info is beyond me. I’m thinking we may have a spot for Mr. Frost on the MovieViral team…. Read More
Iron Man 2 Viral: CordCo Website and Fire Extinguisher April 16, 2010April 16, 2010Iron Man 2 kicks off May 7th and over the past month Paramount released a small viral campaign for the film. Stark Industries has released a website for their world famous event Stark Expo, which hasn’t happened since 1974. Over the past few weeks, Stark Industries has opened up various… Read More
“Dredd” Villain’s Backstory Explored in Motion Comic Prequel September 5, 2012December 28, 2012Mega City One, a vast, violent metropolis where criminals rule the chaotic streets. The only force of order lies with the urban cops called “Judges” who possess the combined powers of judge, jury and (instant) executioner. Dredd (Karl Urban), the ultimate Judge, is challenged with stopping a dangerous drug epidemic… Read More