Vitaliy’s ‘TRON: Legacy’ Score Now On iTunes Dan Koelsch, November 8, 2010 Back in May, we told you about Vitaliy Zavadskyy, a composer who has used YouTube to showcase his fan-made soundtracks to mostly scif-fi/action films. His electronic musical style fits perfectly for the genre, as is shown by his Avatar score getting over one million views. His TRON: Legacy score is also popular, and now it is available on iTunes. If you need a refresher, take a listen after the break. It seems that the “fan made soundtrack” trend is strong, as we have another cool score, this time from someone named Billy Green (seen below). If you find any other cool compositions, let us know. Fan Made Work Viral News Viral Videos MusicSoundtrackTron LegacyViral videoVitaliy
‘The Amazing Spider-Man 2’ Viral Explains Harry Osborn’s Absence December 20, 2013December 20, 2013Aside from having a towering presence in Marc Webb‘s The Amazing Spider-Man, OsCorp lacked its two of its most prolific characters: Norman and Harry Osborn. As the first film established, OsCorp doctors were working around the clock (and off the books) to find a cure for an ailing Norman Osborn… Read More
“Skyline” Takes To YouTube For Final Marketing Push November 12, 2010November 12, 2010Universal Pictures’ and Rogue’s Skyline takes the latest trend in movies choosing high concept plots and stunning visuals over big names and takes it to the next level. The most recognizable name in the credits for this alien invasion film is probably Donald Faison of Scrubs fame, but the impressive… Read More
“Pompeii” Pop Up Trailer Educates You On Upcoming Disaster Flick February 5, 2014The fine folks over at MOVIECLIPS have given the upcoming historic disaster movie Pompeii their Pop Up Trailer treatment. As usual they have layered a number of fun facts and information about the history of Pompeii itself and other volcanic curiosities that you can peruse while watching the official trailer…. Read More mike relm 🙂 it came out a while ago but its a different take on tron 🙂 also check out his remix of the tron legacy trailer: