“Prometheus” Facebook Page to Feature Fan Art on “Fan Fridays” Caleb Hamilton, April 7, 2012April 7, 2012 With the release of Prometheus just about two months away, the viral for the film seems to have taken a break. However, fans of Ridley Scott’s Alien franchise are congregating at the film’s official Facebook page. They comment on page updates, share theories about the film and even post art work. Usually, fan made art goes unnoticed by official film pages, but the Prometheus page has announced plans to celebrate it. Hit the jump for more.Every Friday, the official Prometheus Facebook page will take some of the fan art posted on the page throughout the week and the page admins will choose some to feature the main page for everyone to see. You can check out a few pieces that have been posted already below.Head to the page to see more fan work.Check out Prometheus in theaters June 8th in Digital 3D and IMAX 3D! Social Networks Viral Marketing 20th Century FoxFacebookFan MadePrometheus
Universal Buys “Grim Night” After Trailer Goes Viral October 27, 2011October 27, 2011You know your work never goes unnoticed when you have studios vying for your indie work. That’s what happen when Universal won the rights to Brandon Bestenheider and Allen Bey’s Grim Night. Basically the films is about two people who lock themselves in their homes in an effort to hide… Read More
Viral Marketing “After Earth” Shows Us How Famous Landmarks Decay Over A Thousand Years May 5, 2013Have you ever wanted to know what would happen to the world’s most well-known landmarks if humans weren’t there to take care of them? Well, the upcoming film After Earth shows us the decaying result of our absence. See after the break what Mother Nature does to places like the… Read More
New “Total Recall” Viral Website Says No to Rekall June 13, 2012July 8, 2012A few months ago, a viral website for Columbia Pictures’ Total Recall remake. The site was that of the company featured in the film, Rekall. The site has now become fully active, but there’s another website that wants you think twice about going to Rekall. Get the details after the… Read More