YouTube Tuesday: Corridor Digital Dan Koelsch, July 3, 2012July 2, 2012 We at MovieViral know our viral videos pretty well, so we decided to share our knowledge to those looking to expand their Internet horizons. YouTube Tuesday is a weekly feature where we shine the spotlight on our favorite YouTube channels related to movies and television. We focus on channels that provide new videos on a regular basis, especially ones that we feel need more exposure. This week we are featuring CorridorDigital, which provides “Sweet vids from dudes who love shooting and vfx.” The guys behind Corridor Digital have been putting videos up on YouTube since 2010, but they’ve been together since at least 2009. These two guys are kind of like Freddie Wong, in that they do short videos that have some cool visual effects. In fact, they are friends with Wong’s team, and the two groups work together occasionally. Their channel is closing in on one million subscribers and 90 million video views, but Corridor Digital does much more outside of the channel. For instance, you can check out their sci-fi action web series “Sync” here, which has received over one million views across four episodes. Below is their latest channel video.More YouTube TuesdayGlove and Boots | Freddie Wong | Film Riot & Film State | BriTANicK | Legolambs | Genrocks | Epic Rap Battles of History | AndrewMFilms | VFX Bro | How It Should Have Ended | DJ Steve Porter | Pogo | The Fine Bros Features Social Networks Viral News Viral Videos YouTube Tuesday Corridor DigitalYouTube Tuesday
Exclusive: We Help “Find Me Event” Unleash Their Abduction Video October 14, 2011October 14, 2011A few months ago we did an article on Find Me Event, the ARG where you, the viewer, takes part in locating a prisoner locked away by the evil Architect. This past week we gave you guys even more information with a promise that something big is right around the… Read More
New Website “Yeah!” Offers Interactive Movie Rental Experience March 14, 2013March 14, 2013Yeah! is a new service that provides streaming movie rentals with lots of bonus materials, including filmmaker interviews, polls, quizes, and more. Created by AMC Networks, the website will offer over 50 films by year’s end, and the offerings will mostly be iconic films that deserve this kind of additional… Read More
YouTube Tuesday: Matin Comedy January 15, 2013We at MovieViral know our viral videos pretty well, so we decided to share our knowledge to those looking to expand their Internet horizons. YouTube Tuesday is a weekly feature where we shine the spotlight on our favorite YouTube channels related to movies and television. We focus on channels that… Read More
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