“Godzilla” Viral Trailer Awakens The Truth Michael Lee, February 24, 2014 The Godzilla viral campaign seems to be starting up once again after taking a slumber for the past few months. The MUTO website teased the inevitable release of the first trailer, which was more of an announcement teaser than anything else. By not showing us the reptilian kaiju, fans were eagerly awaiting what the great beast would look like. Now a couple of teasers that have appeared on the official Godzilla site under the Awaken the Truth page have popped up, and they only hint at Godzilla’s great power. Hit the jump to check out both videos.The first video is just a 12 second tease of Godzilla’s roar. Mighty and powerful, it strikes fear into anyone. Of course it’s just a teaser, with the video just a recording of the strength of Godzilla’s roar. Post by Godzilla.While the roar was something we’ve heard in the first trailer, a trailer that popped up hours after the Roar trailer hints at the release of a new trailer for the film. In it, we hear Bryan Cranston berating someone about the clear warning signs that whatever it is that is going on out there, it’s not what the government wants us to believe. According to his character, the public was led to believe that it was either an earthquake or a typhoon. Whatever it is, it all started 15 years ago. So what exactly happened? Why is Cranston demanding answers? We’ll just have to see when the new trailer appears tomorrow.Godzilla opens in theaters May 16. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral News Viral Videos Awaken The TruthGodzilla
Indie Viral: Paul Giamatti’s Cold Souls July 18, 2009July 18, 2009Do you know what this film is? Have you seen the trailer? Our good friends over at FirstShowing have been following Cold Souls for a while, and today they dug up some viral for the flick. The film’s synopsis is as follows: Paralyzed with anxiety over an upcoming role, Paul… Read More
Coke Zero Has New Interactive “TRON: Legacy” Games and Exclusive Content November 25, 2010Coke Zero is to TRON: Legacy as Dr. Pepper was to Iron Man 2. Coke has given us a new mobile iPhone app, interactive cups, new videos, a thinner waistline, and more! Find out all about it after the jump. Read More
Conventions Dragon Con 2013: “Machete Kills” Pushes Social Media At Booth September 5, 2013The marketing people behind Machete Kills, the sequel to Robert Rodriquez’s 2010 hit Machete, decided to make a trip out to Atlanta this year for the popular multi-genre convention, Dragon Con. They set up a booth in one of the busiest hotels of the con, the Atlanta Marriott Marquis hotel…. Read More