“Jurassic World” Viral Site Reveals Countdown to Thanksgiving Caleb Hamilton, November 18, 2014November 18, 2014 Briefly: Yesterday, a viral site for the fictional company, Masrani Global, went online. It was quickly discovered that this was the start of an ARG for the highly anticipated Jurassic World. Within the website, there were several pages containing information about Masrani as well as the actual Jurassic World theme park. Clicking around, fans discovered yet another site – one for the theme park itself! Not much on it yet: a ticker with the latest park news, links to social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram… OH! and a huge countdown clock, which at press time has 9 days, 7 hours and 13 minutes left – which is 9 PM on Thursday, November 27th! Will we have a Jurassic World teaser trailer to be thankful for on Thanksgiving? Find out when the countdown ends!Jurassic World opens in theaters on June 12th, 2015! ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing ARGCountdownJurassic WorldTrailerUniversal Pictures
Featured App: A Viral Campaign Contained in “Star Trek Into Darkness” App February 3, 2013February 2, 2013Paramount Digital Entertainment released its Star Trek Into Darkness mobile app this week on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Using new technology created by Qualcomm Labs, Inc., users will be able to unlock content from the film by participating in scavenger hunts and other real-world missions which… Read More
“Reading Rainbow” Kickstarter Ends Campaign With $5.4 Million July 3, 2014July 2, 2014Briefly: LaVar Burton‘s Reading Rainbow may have reached it’s $1 million goal in a day, but fans would keep backing the project for days and weeks until it reached its $5 million goal. And now that the 35-day campaign has come to an end, it’s time to count how backers… Read More
The Office: New Viral Website and “Subtle Sexuality” Clip November 6, 2009I don’t know about you, but ever since I posted the “Male Prima Donna” music video last week, I can’t get the song out of my head! The music video was part of the new webisodes for The Office, with Erin and Kelly creating a girl group called “Subtle Sexuality”,… Read More