LOST 6×03 “What Kates Does” Recap and Review Dan Koelsch, February 9, 2010April 13, 2010 To catch up on last week’s two-part season six premiere of ABC’s LOST, check out Corey’s recap and review. In this Kate/Claire centric episode, we see the ramifications of Sayid rising from the dead and (in the alternate universe) Kate escaping the airport in Claire’s cab. After Sayid’s resurrection, Dogen, the leader of this set of Others (how many are there?!?), tortures, i mean diagnoses Sayid, and realizes he’s “infected” with something. He tells Jack that he has to give Sayid a pill to make him better, but after Jack calls the bluff by trying to swallow the pill himself, Dogen reveals that it’s actually poison. Why poison Sayid? Didn’t you just try to save him? Apparently, this “darkness” is engulfing Sayid and will turn him evil, just like it did to Claire (according to Dogen). The only way to stop it is to kill Sayid. What is Jack to do? In other Island news, Sawyer escapes, so Kate, Jin, and two Others go out to find him and bring him back. Kate dispatches of the chaperones and plans to find Sawyer to find Claire, not to go back to the temple where the Others claim it is safe from Smokey. However, when she finds Sawyer, she finds out he was going to propose to the now deceased Juliet, and he’s not looking to do anything. Jin, on the other hand, goes in search of his wife, but instead finds Claire, who we can assume (thanks in part to Dogen’s revelation) is the one who sent the Danielle Rousseau-like traps that originally dispatched the Others goons. What is Jin to do? Speaking of Claire, in the alternate universe, Kate, Claire and the taxi driver leave the airport, but when the driver bails at a red light, Kate takes Claire’s bag and leaves her. After getting her handcuffs off and realizing she just stole a pregnant woman’s baby bag, she finds Claire and gives her a ride to the couple’s house who is supposed to adopt the baby. Unfortunately, the husband left the wife days earlier, and the news that the woman can’t take the baby causes Claire to go into labor. Kate takes her to the hospital, where her doctor, suspiciously, is Ethan (William Mapother), the Other who in the other universe tried to steal Aaron. Could this just be an easter egg, or will it lead somewhere? Either way, the police later come looking for Kate, but Claire covers for her. So, what have we learned? This “infection” Sayid has is apparently the same sickness that got to Rousseau’s original group 19 years ago. It makes you go a bit crazy in the head and start killing people. Why? Who knows…yet. I’m using quotation marks a lot because this episode was the epitome of vague talk and non-answers. The writers have found a new way to avoid answering questions we all have while watching the show. Instead of the characters just not asking them (how could you not be curious about Dharma?), now when they DO ask, the one with the knowledge just doesn’t say anything. Smart. A trend I’m seeing with the alternate universe is that there seems to be a connection to the original universe. The looks the characters give, especially to each other, and Claire calling out Aaron’s name before she had even decided it, all seem to indicate that down the line, they may remember their time on the Island. Why is this happening, and why is it important? I don’t know, but I’m thinking the point is to show that the characters are better off for being on the Island than if they hadn’t crashed. It this what the season is leading up to? Of course, we’ll have to wait and see. Be sure to check out next week’s episode, “The Substitute”, at 9/8c on ABC. News Reviews ABCLOST
The Buzz: Bryan Singer Talks X-Men: First Class, Marvel Wants Iron Fist, Jeremy Renner Accepts Mission Impossible, and More! August 27, 2010August 28, 2010In this week’s edition of the Buzz, FusedFilm.com’s, Kevin Coll, tells you what is hot off the presses. Bryan Singer chats X-Men details, Jeremy Renner will be in Mission Impossible IV and Iron Fist is moving forward at Disney/Marvel Studios. All that and more in The Buzz! Read More
What Does Christopher Nolan Mean For The Superman Franchise? February 10, 2010March 13, 2010A report from Deadline Hollywood has Christopher Nolan, director of Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, taking on a “mentoring” role in the next Superman film that Warner Bros is trying to get off the ground (pun intended). Both DC Comics franchises are WB productions, and many have suggested for… Read More
Reviews “Pacific Rim” Review: An Awe-Inspiring Achievement July 12, 2013July 13, 2013I’m a huge fan of Pacific Rim‘s director Guillermo del Toro. I’ve loved every film he’s ever made, because he’s a passionate storyteller of the fantastical and every frame of his movies drip with enthusiasm for the subject matter. He’s extremely adept at integrating unreal fantasy elements (via practical effects or digital effects)… Read More
The return of the “sickness” and talk of infection turned my theory on its head, but this is my new theory. MiB is the one who revived Sayid (he may not be able to enter the temple, but he can do things from afar), and that process infected Sayid. MiB infects Sayid to make him a follower, and Sayid becoming crazy and killing people would fit. Sayid is Judas in the Last Supper poster, because as an infected person, he will follow MiB, but there will be a part of humanity in him that in the end betrays MiB.Review of the episode on my blog: http://th3tvobsessed.blogspot.com/2010/02/review-lost-season-6-episode-3-what.html
I have never seen a reason to think that any group of “Others” is the side to be on. They are a murderous breed, often without reason at all (as when Dogen was going to just have Kate, Jack et al shot).So this “darkness” in Sayid and Smokey, for that matter, who is to say they are not the “good” side? Nothing so far. Even Jacob is just assumed to be good, but everything Ben did was in his name.Smokey/Locke, on the other hand, has only killed as the smoke monster a couple murdering mercenaries and a Rosseau team. And Jacob, but without the assumption that Jacob is the good guy then that isn’t a bad thing either.
J, the Others are direct picks from Jacob and Jacob seems to be a man of peace. The Others follow his every word and that’s it. Sure Jacob’s plan may have some risks, but I don’t think they kill unless they absolutely have to.