Flash Forward: Fans Stage Blackout In Protest Iain Welford, June 8, 2010 You may have noticed that an ABC show ended recently answering fewer questions than it asked. No, we’re not talking about Lost, but another ABC show, Flash Forward. Fans think it ended too soon and are going to let ABC know how they feel on June 10th.
Iron Man 2 Review: A Cast Iron Hit? Iain Welford, May 5, 2010October 18, 2011 Let’s see a show of hands. Who knew that Iron Man would turn into the hit that it was? Truth is, not many. Iron Man turned out to be a hugely unexpected success and was the 2nd highest grossing film of 2008 in the US. Everyone from the fans to…
Iron Man 2 Viral: Fujikawa Website and Stark HUD Iain Welford, April 23, 2010April 23, 2010 With only 2 weeks to go before release of Iron Man 2, the last website from the Stark Expo site has gone live. The Japanese subsidary of Stark Enterprises, Fujikawa, launched their website with the unveiling of the Stark HUD 2020. Anyone familiar with the Iron Man comics will recognise…
Birdemic: Worst Film Ever? Iain Welford, April 15, 2010April 14, 2010 One of the things that made last year’s Paranormal Activity a success was viral at it most fundamental: Word of mouth. It is the best form of advertising that a film could wish for. Word of Mouth has been responsible for the success of sleeping blockbusters such as The Blair…
Iron Man 2 Brief Updates: Dr. Pepper Commercial, Extended Stark Expo Clip, and Two New Photos Iain Welford, April 12, 2010April 12, 2010 A couple of new videos, a commercial and an extended clip, as well as two new photos have come online for Iron Man 2. Check them out after the break.