Piranha 3D Footage Needs To Be Taken Down Scott Caldwell, July 31, 2010September 3, 2010 You would think that a title like that would proclaim my love for new footage and excitement, and how bootlegged footage like the one from Thor, or the phony tracks from Tron: Legacy should have no place in this world. One can also look at that statement to remove the…
Sherlock: Modern Day Viral Is Afoot Scott Caldwell, July 31, 2010March 20, 2013 One of the things that made me laugh (a lot) were the comments about the viral campaign for Sherlock Holmes, and the fact that the internet did not exist back then, and the fact that they used the internet to promote the viral. We all know that Sherlock Holmes’ was…
Super 8 Viral: Craigslist Postings Are Gone! Scott Caldwell, July 31, 2010August 25, 2010 Go back to a month ago, and one of the speculations involved with Super 8, were some Craigslists pages found by the hard working crew at Unfiction. While at one point it seemed like a long shot, some new updates to ScariestThingIEverSaw have proven that they were in fact, a…
Battle: Los Angeles – A Whole 4 Seconds of Footage Released! Scott Caldwell, July 28, 2010July 28, 2010 Wait….. Only 4 seconds? What the hell are we supposed to get from 4 seconds of footage? Well, for starters, and probably the reason this has been released, is to get people talking about Battle: Los Angeles. And it’s definitely doing that. Is the talk about the clip what they…
Godzilla Returns to Comic-Con Scott Caldwell, July 24, 2010July 24, 2010 Do you remember a while back when augmented reality was all the rage? Well, it was all the rage for about two weeks. Sorry, we thought it was going to be a lot bigger than they made it seem to be. So can it come back? Can a can of…