Piranha 3D Footage Needs To Be Taken Down Scott Caldwell, July 31, 2010September 3, 2010 You would think that a title like that would proclaim my love for new footage and excitement, and how bootlegged footage like the one from Thor, or the phony tracks from Tron: Legacy should have no place in this world. One can also look at that statement to remove the footage you are about to see, as well as the film that goes along with it. I’m sorry, but when the Weinsteins’ decided to remove Piranha 3D from the Comic-Con halls, they should have removed it from the sight off all that go see it. Bootlegs are bad. That is what a lot of sites will tell you. But bootlegs also become viral, and get you discussing the film it’s attached to. However for the case of Piranha 3D, I am blatantly coming out to say that this is the worst leaked footage I have ever seen. I am surprised that whomever boosted it kept taping. They should catch this person, and not only arrest them for this violation, but make them sit through this film.We have covered viral for this film, and it was going well. It had videos from the cast as their characters, it had boobs, and it had fake adds, such as the greats like Slusho!But! I am wiping this film from MovieViral’s list. No longer will we cover this film, in anyway shape or form. This is the last article you will see for Piranha 3D. Forgive me for you are about to see (NSFW). Go ahead and tell us what YOU think. I’m pretty sure we already know. Sorry.Source: Movieweb Comic-Con Conventions Events Viral Marketing Viral News Comic-ConDefaultLeaked FootagePiranha 3DViral marketing
Follow Up: “Who Is Patient Zero?” Becomes A Novel October 13, 2011October 14, 2011Last year we told you about a burgeoning viral campaign for a zombie film. For those who wondered whatever happened with the campaign and even the movie itself, we have an update. Find out the details, including the major change to the project, after the break. Read More
New Website and Comic-Con Info For Rango July 19, 2010July 19, 2010In the trailer for Paramount’s animated film Rango, you may have noticed the bright orange fish toy. Well, thanks to a new viral website provided by Slashfilm, we now know that fish is named Mr. Timms and it has a following. Get the details below. Read More
LOST Video Round-Up: Fan-Made and Official February 9, 2010February 9, 2010Everyone by now already knows I’m a huge fan of ABC’s LOST and all of the awesome fan-created content that we’ve gotten over the years. I’m also a fan of the Keyboard Cat, a silly YouTube video turned internet meme and later an internet phenomenon. It’s addition to any video… Read More