‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’ Marketing Jazzes Up New Posters With Spotify Playlists Michael Lee, April 4, 2014April 4, 2014 In the four weeks since its release, Wes Anderson‘s The Grand Budapest Hotel has grossed over $25 million. Not bad for a film that’s been open in only 1,200 theaters. The film’s marketing campaign has matched Anderson’s quirkiness with fun websites and hilarious trailers. Now new interactive posters have popped…
“Transcendence” Viral Video Tags Furious Protest Michael Lee, April 3, 2014 The Transcendence viral videos have focused on R.I.F.T. (Revolutionary Independence From Technology) and their grand signs of protests. From video hacks and major banner drops, R.I.F.T. wants to let the world know that if techolongy continues to grow at its rapid pace without policing, then people like Will Caster (Johnny…
Confirmed : “Friday The 13th” Reboot Sees Jason Voorhees Terrorizing New Meddling Kids Scott Caldwell, April 1, 2014April 2, 2014 So there has been a lot of talk in regards to the newest addition to the Friday the 13th franchise, especially when it comes to that chatter of the found footage genre being plastered all over it. I for one am a huge fan of found footage, especially if it’s…
ARGs & Campaigns “Godzilla” Viral Campaign Demands The Truth Michael Lee, April 1, 2014September 23, 2024 The Godzilla viral marketing campaign has seen some major updates in the last few days. First we got to know some of the main characters from the film through the film’s MutoResearch viral site. Now the team at Legendary along with Warner Bros are working together on the social media…
News EXCLUSIVE: Nathan Fillion In Talks For Star Wars Episode 7 Christopher Moore, April 1, 2014April 2, 2014 After some major sleuthing online and contact with an agent, MovieViral has an unofficial confirmation that Captain Mal himself may be in the process of signing on to the new Star Wars trilogy. Find out more info after the jump.