When Virals Fail To Live Up to Their Potential Michael Lee, April 7, 2011April 7, 2011 Movie virals have always been a huge part of the film industry since the dawn of its simplest form; the movie trailer. Its only now that virals have become more prevalent to studios since they introduced a more interactive version for fans and moviegoers. There are effective virals, the virals…
Warner Bros. Offers Streaming Movies on Facebook Michael Lee, March 8, 2011April 29, 2011 If you thought there wasn’t another reason to be addicted to the social networking site, Facebook, then you’re wrong. Warner Brothers plans to begin streaming movies via Facebook. Users will be able to rent and stream Warner Brothers movies by spending Facebook credits (yes Facebook has its own currency). To…
Warner Brothers Introduces Movies As Apps Dan Koelsch, February 16, 2011 In what may be the new killer app for the Apple iPad, Warner Brothers has deviced a clever way to distribute their home film releases in a way that is similar to DVDs but designed for the new digital world. They are starting off with releases of The Dark Knight…
Film Marketing Trends in 2011 Alex Gerage, January 13, 2011January 14, 2011 We have learned over the past few years that there is no exact science to film marketing, particularly within the online realm. Hollywood studios have developed any number of different campaigns using social networks and alternate reality games that have lead to astounding success and abject failure. Writer and marketing…
Holy Websites, Batman! – A Viral In The Making? Scott Caldwell, July 13, 2010July 13, 2010 Remember the “Experience” from Sony? The one that handed us the viral sites, as opposed to letting us find them? You know, the ones from District 9 and 2012? Well apparently there is a viral campaign in the making that has been found, way before it started. What it’s for…