Early Twitter Responses to District 9 Trailer Dan Koelsch, May 1, 2009April 7, 2010 The teaser trailer for District 9 was released at midnight (online and in front of X-Men Origins: Wolverine) and it looks like the reviews are pretty positive. See a selection after the jump (some edited for clarity and content). @firstshowing: The teaser trailer for Peter Jackson’s District 9 has just hit – and this is one you’ll want to see!@HitFixGregory: That District 9 trailer is very promising. Bad alien costume/CG aside.@screenrant: Official ‘District 9′ Trailer Looks Amazing@ezaykiel: Everyone in the theatre was quiet when the District 9 trailer finished.@karlringman: Interesting trailer for a new sci-fi movie!@adamgresty: I watched the District 9 trailer, mind officially blown!@czobit: This could be cool…@bhicklin: District 9 looks BADASS@ThisCitySunrise: District 9 looks awwwwwwwwesome.@earthvsralph: district 9 loooks so rad@bryanbrinkman: Awesome trailer for District 9, it looks like Independence Day meets Black Hawk Down meets Girls Gone Wild@nathanielt: I am officially on the District 9 hype train@PopTrogdor: I just saw the trailer for District 9….looks shit@whodeani: The Anti-Alien Bigotry Begins, In District 9’s First Trailer@DuoJoe: Trailer for a movie called District 9, about aliens or something. Looks weird, but interesting all the same.@amtower: I had never heard of District 9. I am now very excited about District 9. (Even despite overtones of Alien Nation.) What did you think of the teaser? Reply to us @MovieViral or leave your comment below. I’ll update this post if I see any interesting tweets or tweets from anyone noteworthy. For a full analysis of the trailer, check out my article. Viral Marketing District 9ReviewTrailerTwitter
2012 – Comic-Con Updates July 23, 2009June 6, 20101 – www.whowillsurvive2012.com is updated: A – New design B – A game is coming soon for what looks to be for the iPhone C – download a wallpaper 2 – www.thisistheend.com is updated (written by Charlie Frost): A – Just landed the winnie in sunny San Diego. Things are… Read More
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Watch Commercial for The Incredible Burt Wonderstone’s Las Vegas Act March 8, 2013March 8, 2013The upcoming comedy The Incredible Burt Wonderstone is about a Las Vegas magician, played by Steve Carrell, who is threatened when a street magician, played by Jim Carrey, steals his spotlight. Warner Bros. has made a parody commercial for Burt Wonderstone’s Vegas act at Bally’s Las Vegas Hotel and Casino…. Read More