Even More District 9 Updates! Scott Caldwell, July 23, 2009January 16, 2010 District9movie.com as a few new updates to report on well. If you hover over the statue, you will get 2 news clips (one on the human, one on the non-human). One clip talks about the seizing of weapons, both alien and police, while the other talks about setting up possible safe zones in Canada and Switzerland for the aliens. Also, if you hover over the tower, “Leaked Intelligence” shows up. Clicking on it asks you to save a PDF file, however the file does not seem to save. Did they forget to attach it? As soon as it shows up, we’ll have it for you. UPDATE: You can now download the file. We have a copy here. And, a new site has been added to their helpful viral links at the bottoms of their pages. Multi-National Untied Training Simulation. This simulator uses your webcam and has you print of a badge to flash. Check it out and tell us what you think! Viral Marketing District 9
New District 9 Videos on YouTube June 24, 2009July 3, 2009So, I’m surfing YouTube at 1:00 AM and I notice that Sony Pictures has an MNU video on their YouTube page. Then I go to their page and realize there are actually three new District 9 videos in the last 24 hours. Here are all three videos: The first video… Read More
Sherlockology Countdown Ends Early; “Sherlock” Series 3 Teaser Released Online August 2, 2013August 2, 2013This week, we’ve been covering a mysterious countdown run by Sherlock fan site Sherlockology which, in the sense of a traditional countdown, would have ended tomorrow some time. However, the countdown ended today, after the site posted another image, with a time rather than the number 1. Sherlockology has come… Read More
Find The “Red Lights” In Interactive Video With Sigourney Weaver June 4, 2012June 4, 2012The paranormal thriller Red Lights has a limited release in the US on July 13th, and to promote the appropriately scheduled Friday the 13th release, Millennium Entertainment has released an interactive video with star Sigourney Weaver. Check it out after the break. Read More
Site is now fully operational according to an email I got. You can download the PDF. I’ll try it when I get home.