Even More District 9 Updates! Scott Caldwell, July 23, 2009January 16, 2010 District9movie.com as a few new updates to report on well. If you hover over the statue, you will get 2 news clips (one on the human, one on the non-human). One clip talks about the seizing of weapons, both alien and police, while the other talks about setting up possible safe zones in Canada and Switzerland for the aliens. Also, if you hover over the tower, “Leaked Intelligence” shows up. Clicking on it asks you to save a PDF file, however the file does not seem to save. Did they forget to attach it? As soon as it shows up, we’ll have it for you. UPDATE: You can now download the file. We have a copy here. And, a new site has been added to their helpful viral links at the bottoms of their pages. Multi-National Untied Training Simulation. This simulator uses your webcam and has you print of a badge to flash. Check it out and tell us what you think! Viral Marketing District 9
Apps “Ex-Machina” Uses Tinder App To Cleverly Market The Film At SXSW March 15, 2015April 1, 2015If you’re using the dating app Tinder and you’re in Austin, TX checking out the SXSW conference and festival, then don’t be surprised if a hot 25 year old woman by the name of Ava pops up in your list of possible matches. Don’t fall for it, though, because per… Read More
University of Chicago Receives Mysterious Package Addressed for “Indiana Jones” December 15, 2012December 15, 2012Fans of Indiana Jones are well aware that in addition to his whirlwind adventures stopping Nazis and chasing Crystal Skulls, Dr. Henry Jones Jr. was also an esteemed professor of archaeology at the University of Chicago. Now, more than thirty years after first walking through the university’s halls on screen in Raiders… Read More
For Glee’s Second Season, You Could Be A Cast Member! January 12, 2010January 12, 2010FOX’s hit new show Glee is only halfway through it’s first season, but it has already been renewed for a second one. The show gained a lot of steam after FOX aired the pilot four months early, building a fan base thanks to it re-airing online and people talking about… Read More
Site is now fully operational according to an email I got. You can download the PDF. I’ll try it when I get home.