Transformers 2 DVD: The Optimus Prime Experience Dan Koelsch, October 20, 2009October 13, 2012 Augmented reality has become all the rage for summer movies this year, and now Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen has joined the fray for its home release. Star Trek and District 9 both included so-called “augmented reality” activities as part of their marketing campaign for the films’ theatrical release. Augmented reality works through a webcam that will first recognize familiar 2-dimensional images. Once it has identified a ‘marker’, it uses this as a basis upon which to project 3-dimensional objects, animations and interactive content. Star Trek used this to provide a 3D image of the new Enterprise spaceship, and District 9 used it as part of it’s viral campaign. With webcams becoming more and more common, I’m sure you’ll be seeing this tech a lot more. Transformers 2 is now using it to promote today’s release of the Two-Disc Special Edition DVD and Blu-ray. The thing Paramount does differently for this film (other than the fact you have to buy something in order to do the activity) is that they make it look fun. This time you use the actual DVD or Blu-Ray packaging as the marker, and you can play games and such. Here’s an overly intense video that demonstrates a bit of the features. Once you have your copy of Transformers 2, go to to try it for yourself and let us know what you think. Is this just a passing fad, or is it the future of interactive marketing? Transformers is available now on DVD, Two-Disc Special Edition DVD, and Blu-Ray Viral Marketing TransformersTransformers 2
Viral Video: Are Iron Man and Batman Begins the Same Movie? February 11, 2010College Humor is known for their videos that showcase how two movies are extremely similar. The call the series “Deja View”, and they’ve done some great ones in the past, including Star Trek vs. Star Wars, and Dude Where’s My Car? vs. The Hangover. A similarly themed video mashed up… Read More
Puma Prowls “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” Viral Site January 3, 2014The Amazing Spider-Man 2‘s viral site, The Daily Bugle, has been making a few references to some of the major villains in Spider-Man’s rogue gallery. Shocker, the Enforcers, Hobgoblin, Venom, even She-Venom have all been mentioned or alluded to in the past few months via these faux articles. Some of… Read More
ARGs & Campaigns Norton And Google Chrome Reveal Alternative “X-Men: Days Of Future Past” Timeline May 2, 2014May 2, 2014While the excitement for X-Men: Days of Future Past builds as the release date draws nearer, Norton and Google Chrome have rolled out a cool interactive viral campaign for the movie. If you hop onto the X-Tension (Only viewable on Google Chrome–that’s the catch) you’re able to view an alternate… Read More
I have been to the site; and all I get is a demo video. I’ve tried it on a Mac, on a PC, with every browser thinking that I just need the right plugin. NOTHING.All there is is a video. How do you play the game. The video just repeats over and over. There are no instructions.
thank you!!!!.. ive been trying and it doesnt work… did they not update it for the release yet?!?!?!?!
has anyone tried to right click on the screen what the hell can i do in it i have no clue why it is but seems like you can do something there like a half ass website setup
Hmm, it looks like they changed the page after I wrote this. Originally there was a whole page with instructions on how to do it. Now it’s just a video. There might have been a glitch so they took it down. Just give it a day or so and maybe it’ll be back up.
Sorry for anyone that ran into trouble with The Optimus Experience yesterday. We just wanted to let you all know that the site is up and running – you enjoy!Matt Hirsch 360i on behalf of Paramount Home Entertainment
I’ve been to the website a number of times, can read the instructions, but when the AR loads, nothing happens, just a black screen…any ideas?
same here all it is, is a black screen. i really want to play it i luv transformers and really want to try it 🙁
I have the 2-Disc special edition Blu-Ray and its a different cover. I don’t know if that is the issue, but I’ve also tried with the stupid slip of paper they put in the box too, and nothing. I get web cam feed, but it certainly is NOT live. It’s 2-3 seconds that blip up every 60-90 seconds, that’s it. Has ANYONE gotten this to work yet?
I have tried everything I know to get this to work on my iMac. I even bought a second copy, thinking that there might be something wrong with the first. Any clues or help?