The Office: New Viral Website and “Subtle Sexuality” Clip Dan Koelsch, November 6, 2009 I don’t know about you, but ever since I posted the “Male Prima Donna” music video last week, I can’t get the song out of my head! The music video was part of the new webisodes for The Office, with Erin and Kelly creating a girl group called “Subtle Sexuality”, with Ryan featured as “Mr. Understood”, because “no one understands” him. Now we have this kind of creepy flipbook video of the choreography from the video. Check it out below. Speaking of Mr. Understood, Ryan has his own photography blog now. It’s just as pretentious as you’d imagine a site by Ryan would be. This morning, he and Kelly were having words on Twitter about the latest photo he posted, where Kelly is apparently topless. Ooh la la. You can check out Ryan and Kelly‘s conversation by viewing our Twitter Viral List. The Office airs Thursday nights on NBC at 9/8c. Viral Marketing The Office
District 9 Trailer #2 Breakdown (Screencaps) July 9, 2009July 27, 2009Yesterday, Yahoo debuted the second trailer for District 9. The response has been pretty positive, especially on our forum. Take a look at the trailer embedded below, then I’ll breakdown the trailer by focusing on the more interesting screencaps. . The trailer starts off the ominous image of the alien… Read More
Seven Psychopaths: Help Charlie Find His Shih Tzu September 23, 2012Seven Psychopaths is a comedy action film from CBS Films with an odd, yet strangely alluring, premise. Christopher Walken and Sam Rockwell are dog thieves who unwittingly steal a dog from Charlie Costello, an unpredictable gangster. After the break, find out how Costello has gone public with his efforts to… Read More
Uber Offers A Pickup From Transformer Optimus Prime In Marketing Tie-In June 16, 2014June 16, 2014Popular ride service Uber has been seriously disrupting the taxi space for a while. They’ve recently had some real challenges in cities like London (where the cabbies there are striking over the service). While that serious drama unfolds, Uber appears to be having a little fun too. Uber and Transformers: Age… Read More