South Park Pokes Fun at Avatar Alex Gerage, November 13, 2009November 13, 2009 Never before have I seen a film parodied and mocked over a month before its theatrical release. Such is the case though when the film is Avatar and the expectations are monumental. Apparently Matt Stone and Trey Parker became aware the growing hype and decided to cash in on it with the latest South Park episode titled, “Dances with Smurfs.” In the episode, Cartman is chosen to do the morning announcements at South Park Elementary, quickly turns it into a Glenn Beck style political show aimed at attacking Wendy, the student body President. When the school or his friends try to push back, he uses his followers and quick tongue to silence them. The full episode is at South Park Studios, but you can watch one of the Avatar-related clips here: As I said before, I think it’s remarkable that any film gets this kind of attention before actually coming out. After the episode aired, I searched Twitter to read some reaction, and the majority of tweets recognized the ending as a jab at Avatar and found it funny. I think that’s a good sign for Fox that the marketing done so far is reaching the public. Will it translate into monstrous box office returns? I don’t know, but there’s no doubt word of mouth is spreading. Now if only the viral can get going again. Viral Marketing Avatar
Omaze And NetFlix Team Up For A Tasty “House Of Cards” Contest July 16, 2014July 16, 2014Often times I wonder if any of the restaurants seen in shows exist or not. While some are built sets, others are actual locations with the names changed for legal purposes of course. And while you may be able to find some of the restaurants used in films or tv… Read More
Extended Commercial Shows Conan O’Brien Really Cares About Curtains November 9, 2010November 9, 2010American Express has an extended 2 minute commercial that features Conan O’Brien traveling across India to get only the best ingredients to make some curtains (presumably for his new late night show). It’s pretty funny and plays almost like a short film, so take a look after the break. Read More
Watch NBC’s Community Web Series April 23, 2010As we promised, NBC’s Community debuted their first ever webisodes yesterday on their homepage. In “The Spanish Video Assignment”, Abed and Starburns present their video assignment to the Spanish class. Though highly entertaining, the video didn’t follow the guidelines, so Professor Chang allows them to do it over again, as… Read More