Avatar – LIVE! Scott Caldwell, November 30, 2009 Cue the curtains! Dim the lights! Places everyone, PLACES! OK, well it’s not live as in on a stage and fun for the whole family, but it is live in the sense that you get to hang with James Cameron in your basement while wearing your Titanic pajamas.ComingSoon has the latest info on the “see it first” special with HD clips of the film, and in addition to being able to chat with Cameron, he will be joined by Sam Worthington and Zoe Saldana. It will be shown on Avatar’s Facebook page as well as MTV.com. If you head over to the the Facebook page now, there is an option to submit your question(s) ahead of time. The whole thing goes down Thursday, December 3 at 3 PM EST. You will also be able to see MTV’s “Behind the Screen” movie series when the forum is over. Now, if they only spent this much time on creating a viral campaign, I would be more anxious for this film. Avatar comes out on December 18th. Tell Zoe MovieViral says hello. Viral Marketing Avatar
Warner Bros. Wants You To Be A Part Of The New Lego Movie March 22, 2013Legos are literally the building bocks of creativity and with just one simple piece a child’s imagination can run wild. Warner Bros. had acquired the rights to the toy brand and will make it a full-fledged film. Not only have they revealed the blocky movie title, but they have also… Read More
Iron Man 2: Marvel Provides Tony Stark Letter April 7, 2010Marvel has provided a letter from Mr. Tony Stark himself regarding the relaunch of the Stark Expo. The letter doesn’t provide any new information on the event other than to explain some of the reasoning behind Stark’s decision to start it up again. Check out the letter after the jump. Read More
Latest Saw 3D Motion Poster Is “Heart-Pounding” August 11, 2010August 26, 2010Lionsgate has been releasing “3D” motion posters over the past few week’s for the upcoming Saw 3D, set to be released on October 29th, just in time for Halloween. Each poster touts the film being in 3D in disturbingly literal visuals. Check out all three posters, including the latest “Heart-Pounding”… Read More