Seven Psychopaths: Help Charlie Find His Shih Tzu Dan Koelsch, September 23, 2012 Seven Psychopaths is a comedy action film from CBS Films with an odd, yet strangely alluring, premise. Christopher Walken and Sam Rockwell are dog thieves who unwittingly steal a dog from Charlie Costello, an unpredictable gangster. After the break, find out how Costello has gone public with his efforts to find his dog. The appropriately titled @PsychoCostello Twitter handle is home to Charlie Costello, who describes himself as “Importer/Exporter, Boss, Dog Lover.” On Twitter, Charlie talks to followers and tries to get the word out that his Shih Tzu is lost. Actually, he know that someone stole the dog from his dog walker Sharice (played in the film by Gabourey Sidibe), so his tweets are a mix of pleas for help and arbitrary threats.It appears Charlie has also taken to the streets, as there have been sightings of his flyer, as you can see below. The phone number, (323) 989 2669, goes automatically to voicemail with a message from Charlie to leave any information you may have about Bonnie, his dog. Charlie’s message also warns that your voice message may end up on his Twitter feed.Seven Psychopaths is written and directed by Martin McDonagh, and also stars Colin Farrell. The film opens in theaters October 12th. Social Networks Viral Marketing Seven PsychopathsTwitterVoicemails
Transformers 2: Receive a Call from Optimus Prime! October 5, 2009October 5, 2009With the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen DVD and Blu-Ray being released on October 20th, Paramount is looking for inventive ways to promote the film. The marketing team behind the DVD release have established a new page on the official site titled, where there are four different activities for… Read More
“Star Trek Into Darkness” Villain Takes a Page from General Zod in Viral Video April 20, 2013April 20, 2013It’s easy to forget that Summer blockbuster movies open internationally, especially when the marketing that is not often tailored to them. Paramount’s Star Trek Into Darkness, however, has a viral video on a few international versions of Yahoo! and official Facebook pages where the antagonist John Harrison (played by Benedict… Read More
Repo Men Pink Slip ARG Update March 4, 2010March 4, 2010We’ve been reporting on the activities of the Repo Men ARG from the start, and since the hunt has reached the end of its first week, we thought we’d give you an update of what’s been going on. If you’ve been following the activities of Ciji, Will, Alex and Usman,… Read More