12 Days of Viral – DAY FIVE

On the fifth day of viral, my movie gave to me…..

800 Numbers.

So now all of the people that you have been following, chasing, hating, and loving can be called. And the only thing it will cost you, is fun!

Upset about your favorite Communications Director not returning your calls? Trying to get the scoop on some aliens that just moved in down the street? Or maybe you’re just curious about that lottery you signed up for. Well, pick up you phone and dish the dirt! Operator’s are standing by.

This toll free number gives you another level in the viral campaign in which you are more a part of it. Not limited to simply viewing sites and their changes. It’s now more physical. In the case of 2012, you couldn’t do much but listen, but you were given some key information into future happenings and major players. But it was pretty cool to get that extra level.

Take a movie like District 9, and they went even further. Not only did you have the number to call, but you could leave a message claiming that you saw a non-human, and have your call recorded and played back on their Community Watch site. Just like our very own Nick Butler! Oh the stories he’ll have for the future.

I know a lot of you are thinking about the calls during The Dark Knight, but I’m going to hang on to that one for another day. In fact, that one will be mentioned in a few days to come.

Other Days In The “12 Days of Viral” Series:
A trailer without a title
A Twitter account with the truth
Three Websites
My face on the site

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