12 Days of Viral – DAY THREE Scott Caldwell, December 15, 2009December 14, 2009 On the third day of viral, my movie gave to me….. Three websites And not only do we get three websites, but if the cards are played correctly, we get three websites with “purpose”. I say purpose with quotes for three reasons. And here they are. Website 1 – This is the site that’s owned by the “company”. This site is actually maintained right in the middle. They make their point known right off the bat, usually the first one, but slowly diminish into nothing. They want themselves to come off as the ones who need you to follow. They have a story to tell and if you listen, then they have someone to spread the good news. Website 2 – This for the most part is a blog. Maintained by someone who wants you to know the truth. They’ll give you a lot of “Website 1 isn’t telling you the whole truth!” and “I’m making a trip to corporate offices of website 1. Wish me luck”. Never to be seen again. Another particular note is this Website may be run by someone not even in the movie. Website 3 – I’m not exactly sure why website 3 was even set up. It’s crudely put together, and is more than likely to never change since it’s inception. It may or may not even give you one piece of information in regards to the film. It’s just there to draw your attention away from the initial slow updating of the first two. Now, with that said, here are some great examples:Website 1 – The IHC, DP Chemicals, and MNUWebsite 2 – Soren’s Blog, Save Ogden Marsh, and MNUSpreadsliesWebsite 3 – Farewell Atlantis, Ogden Marsh, and Maths From Outerspace The one thing I’ve noticed is that Website 3 has had a little more participation than in the past. Good for you website 3! And one day, maybe in the land of a sequel, you can move up in the ranks to website 1. Other Days In The “12 Days of Viral” Series: A trailer without a title A Twitter account with the truth Viral Marketing 2012District 9The Crazies
New ‘Star Wars Arcade’ App Seats You in the Millennium Falcon November 30, 2010I don’t own an iPhone or the iPod Touch, so I have been unable to enjoy the thousands of apps that have come out in recent years. If I did though, this would be the first one I would download. THQ Wireless Inc. has released a new mobile game called… Read More
Feedback: What Were Your Favorite Super Bowl Commericials This Year? February 7, 2010October 18, 2011Update: Congrats to the New Orleans Saints on becoming the NFL Champions! Check out the ads this year after the jump and let us know which ones you liked best! Super Bowl XLIV is just a few hours away (live at 6:25 ET on CBS), and the talk is always… Read More
Tron Legacy Soundtrack Release Date Announced September 27, 2010Finally, after much speculation, the official release date has been announced for the soundtrack to Tron Legacy. For those who don’t know why it’s so anticipated, the entire film was scored by Daft Punk. You can pick up your copy of the soundtrack on November 22nd, and there are a… Read More